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Throbbing sensation in teeth and gums

I have a throbbing sensation in teeth and gums, was there all day yesterday, and now today as well. It murders, all my gums and teeth are throbbing like the way a heart beats.

Who should I visit, my gp or dentist?

Parcetemol isnt numbing the pain, what else can I use for pain relief that works?

Love BA x
Reply 1
dentist. as soon as possible too. take some ibuprofen too if you have some. or you could try rubbing an ice cube into the V-shaped area where the bones of the thumb and forefinger meet. Gently push the ice over the area for 5 to 7 minutes. sounds strange but can work
Reply 2
Go to your dentist sounding it like tooth ache. You could just need a filling but it may even be because the tooth is dying and that you may need a root treatment. Its more then likly just one tooth that is causing the pain but it feels like it is all you teeth. What you should do for now is keep taking your Parcetemol and ibuprofen will probally help because it is anti-inflammatory drug. See the dentist as soon as possible and Good Luck!
Reply 3
One tooth dying can cause it to feel like all of them are in pain, you may need root treatment or they could remove it for you. Go to a dentist either way.
I havent got a dentist, lol, met him ages ago, they must have kicked us off the register. Have to find a dentist now. Thanks, I will try ibuprofen.

Edit: removal :eek: :frown:
Reply 5
Removal is only if you don't want to go through with the root treatment i think. If you phone up any dentist they should get you in as an emergency even if you aren't their patient. A dying tooth can cause serious pain and your whole face could even swell up if an abscess forms. So find a dentist as soon as possible because you wouldn't want that to happen.
I had to have a root canal once (because my previous dentist messed up a filling and an abcess developed...). Everyone had said how nasty it was but really it was nothing. The injection into the gum doesn't even hurt and once it's numb all you can feel are vibrations, which I actually found relaxing :smile:

My advice for dentist operations: get a morning appointment if you can, and turn up very, very tired.
i agree with shy girl, go see a dentist quickly before its too late, I heard you can die if you levae it too late
there is no red swelling in my gums or anything, just throbs continuously. So I hope its nothing serious (root canal or removal).
Reply 10
Ive had this a bit recently but its worn off a bit now, I changed the head on my electric toothbrush so I think thats why.

Are you having any sort of sensitivity/pain when you eat anything sweet or have anything cold/hot to drink??

To be honest though if you needed a root canal filling I think you'd know about it- chances are you'd be in agony for a start. When I had one done a few years back I had agonising toothache (just in the one tooth) for about 2-3 weeks beforehand, god it bloody killed, by far the worse pain Ive ever experienced!! Was sooooo much better when I had it done though!! :smile:
theres normally an emergency service as well that are likely to be able to see you sooner or accident and emergency could also see you if painkillers arent working sounds like abcess.
Reply 12
i have the same throbbing feeling on my gums and teeth!!! i have had it for a few months now, and tends to hurt when i eat food. I went to my dentist and he said that its probably because of my wisdom teeth that are out or coming out, so he said that i should have my wisdom teeth taken out.......however, i decided not to take them out ! lol

Hope it gets better for ya!! xx
Reply 13
hi i have the same problem throbbing of gums its 1 tooth and have had antibiotics still throbbing dentist has told me tooth needs coming out is there any other solution take ibroufen and rub sensodyne toothpaste on it as well as flossing and corsoldy gel de
Mine, has come on slowly over the last few days. Thought it was just tooth ache but all along my upper and lower right jaws, throbbing that coincides with my heart beat, which in turn is very painful and I can't sleep. Yet my teeth themselves feel numb!
Not sure if it's sinus related as I'm prone to that but no cold or anything right now 😢
Reply 15
Sensitive teeth