It's just not a big career, lets face it when there arent that many uni's that do it or places on courses it's not exactly well publicised, fair enough everyone on here knows all about it, but loads of people in my own class kept asking me things like "isn't that a 7yr course?" or "where do they actually teach that?". Hell, I didnt even know nottingham was a vet school this year, which shows how bad my school was at helping me!! Also why aim for a job where there are a couple of thousand careers when if you study computing you aren't limited in career path at all, or accounting, any other science...the list goes on. Vet school doesnt put many blokes off based on not being macho, it's more that Women see more of an attraction to working with animals, therefore while it's attractive to you girls it's indifferent to most blokes. To be fair the Macho bit might play some part but I think it's more that blokes get fairly put off by things like lambing, I could use some of the graphic comments I've heard but suffice to say it appeals as much as gynaecology! anyway, thats my insight as to why there are less blokes.