Practice makes perfect, lol, it will come in time just give it a few more lessons. Ive had 15 lessons so far i think, and i sometime break to harsh, still have a couple off days, i had a job interiview after my lesson the other day, i was soo nervous during the lessons my 3 point turn, became a 5 point turn! it was so embarrising. And dont worry, i sometimes have to look at my gears becasue i forget what gear im in, and i always check whenever i go into gear 5. A tip if you breaking to fast, break slowly, clutch in, EASE OFF the break a bit, and then slowly ease back onto the break, that way it wont like jerk forward bcoz you braked to hard if you get me. Im quite confident driving on a dual carriage way, but a couple weeks ago i was doin 50mph, and everytime i checked my mirrors, i was slowly turning and drifting into the lane next to me and had to keep correcting myself, but im doing it less now. The more time you spend on the road, the better you will get.