Ouch thats expensive! I live in Devon and got one once for a fiver!!! My mate got one for 18 quid and I horrified but maybe thats the price Ill have to pay!
Leamington (midlands) £9-11 (discretion of the beautician depending how hairy you are lol). Not a brazilian but takes a fair amount off.
North London I went to a cheap place that did it for £9 but it was rubbish I felt like she was doing it as quick as possible, no attention to detail and didnt even do the lower part of it. NOT happy especially as I was preparing myself to see my bftypething who I hadnt seen in ages GRR!!!!!!
The salon that I go to charges £6, thats just for a basic one, not a brazilian or anything like that .I dont go there for a bikini wax though, not brave enough yet!!
Well I just went and paid the eighteen quid and was very very impressed. It was quick, but not rushed and the paid attention to detail and took EVERYTHING (think about it) off much to my amazement! But if you were to have it done every month all year thats £216 which I find awful! You could go to a couple of festivals for that!!!!
Wow! What was the pain factor like? I go for normal bikini waxes all the time but never dared (or really wanted) to get a hollywood.
Wrt how much you could spend a year, if you think about it you'll realise that you spend your money on worse things! You could easily spend £30 on a single night out so £18 for a wax that will last a month isnt that bad in those terms... thats how I think about stuff anyway!
I figure you're going to waste loads of money anyway so you may as well waste it on things you will actually get something out of if that makes any sense....!
I see the point on a night out, but the thing is I'm still going to have that night out aren't I so it's still a lot of money down the drain! Oh well it feels so so nice!! Go on Mangamaz....get a Hollywood! It is definitely worth the pain!!!