The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Twist: Oh, and have sex! That's all you want to do, I'm not just here for one thing! Why can't you see me as a whole?
Brian: I do.
Twist: A whole Brian, with a 'w'!
Brian: Oh.
Reply 2
Oh, and

Mike: I had to dress up as an elderly Israeli woman once
Tim: Did you?
Mike: I didn't have to.
Reply 3
Bilbo Bagshot: What about the Ewoks eh? They were rubbish. You don't complain about them.
Tim: Yeah but Jar Jar Binks makes the Ewoks look like... ******in'... Shaft.

So many great Star Wars bits :biggrin:
Reply 4
Hows that for a slice of fried gold?
Reply 5
Daisy: So how are you, you big bloody man?
Tim: I'm good, I'm good. Just, had a few things to sort out.
Daisy: With Sarah?
Tim: No, with George Lucas.
Daisy: Tim, it's been over a year.
Tim: It's been 18 months, Daisy. And it still hurts.
Daisy: Well, I didn't think The Phantom Menace was *that* bad.
Reply 6
mulan.. certainly to my mind, eddie murphys third best film.

Oh my god, ..I've got some ****ing jaffa cakes in my coat pocket!
Reply 7
I've just bought the Season 1 & 2 boxset off eBay! :biggrin:

I've never seen this show before. What should I expect? ^_^
Reply 8
You should expect one of the finest sitcoms of our lifetimes, nay, ever.
Reply 9
Mike Watt: Hello Timmy.
Tim: Where are you?
Mike: Err, Sheffield.
Tim: What are you doing in Sheffield?
Mike: Fell asleep on the tube.
Tim: The tube doesn't go to Sheffield, Mike.
Mike: Yeah, I know. I um must have changed at King's Cross.
I've just bought the Season 1 & 2 boxset off eBay! :biggrin:

I've never seen this show before. What should I expect? ^_^

Expect one of my favourite comedy series ever. Excellent, excellent choice mate.

Some of my favourite quotes:

Daisy: Right, I'm going to the shops. D'you want anything?
Tim: Porn.
Daisy: Tim, I'm not going to buy you porn. You can get it from railway sidings like everybody else.
Tim: I can't, I'm an adult. I'm supposed to leave it there.

Daisy: So who was this girl then?
Tim: Her name was Cassandra, she was a psychic, she gave me her phone number...
[hands Daisy a piece of paper]
Daisy: That's OUR phone number.
Tim: Man, she's good.

Tim: You think I'm unemotional, don't you? I can be emotional. Jesus, I cried like a child at the end of Terminator 2.

Brian: Do you think I should lose the waistcoat?
Tim: I think you should burn it. 'Cause, y'know, if you lose it, you might find it again.

Vulva: (seeing Brian at a party) Oh Brian, you came!
Brian: No, I just spilt my drink.

Ahh I love Spaced. I've not seen it in a while, might watch it tonight :biggrin:
Reply 12
ZaSu Pitts
Daisy: So how are you, you big bloody man?
Tim: I'm good, I'm good. Just, had a few things to sort out.
Daisy: With Sarah?
Tim: No, with George Lucas.
Daisy: Tim, it's been over a year.
Tim: It's been 18 months, Daisy. And it still hurts.
Daisy: Well, I didn't think The Phantom Menace was *that* bad.


Love this show, it's frikkin' hilarious. I love the Matrix-esque episode :p:
Reply 13
Twist: Oh, and have sex! That's all you want to do, I'm not just here for one thing! Why can't you see me as a whole?
Brian: I do.
Twist: A whole Brian, with a 'w'!
Brian: Oh.

Reply 14
Daisy: You're up early.
Tim: Oh, I haven't been to bed. Me and Mike met up with these two Scottish guys in the pub and they gave us all this cheap speed.
Daisy: Oh Tim, that's so tacky.
Tim: Yeah I know, but y'know they were so nice... I think if we'd said no they'd have got offended and beaten us to death with a pool cue.

Tim: He's made this personal.
Mike: I thought he made it personal when he slept with your girlfriend.
Tim: Well, he's made it more personal.
Mike: I don't think it gets much more personal than sleeping with your girlfriend, Tim.

Dexter: Ah, Michael. Heard about your robot. Crying shame.
Tim: What do you mean, 'crying shame'? You're the one that did it, you ****ing... plum.

"Don't forget to wash your sheets...and your penis"
Tim: Are you ready Mike?
Mike: I was born ready!
Tim: Yes, but are you ready now?
Mike: Umm... yeah.

Tim: You got mail today.
Brian: It's open.
Tim: Yeah, I opened it because I thought it was mine since we both have I's in our names. [shifty look]

Brian's Mum's Letter: Your uncle Kevin died in his sleep last week, while driving to Staines on the M4.

Tim: You are so blind! You so do not understand! You weren't there at the beginning. You don't know how good it was! How important! This is it for you! This jumped-up firework display of a toy advert! People like you make me sick! What's wrong with you? Now, I don't care if you've saved up all your fifty 'p's, take your pocket money and get out!
[Little boy runs out of the shop crying]
Tim: What a prick.
generic hybrid
Tim: You are so blind! You so do not understand! You weren't there at the beginning. You don't know how good it was! How important! This is it for you! This jumped-up firework display of a toy advert! People like you make me sick! What's wrong with you? Now, I don't care if you've saved up all your fifty 'p's, take your pocket money and get out!
[Little boy runs out of the shop crying]
Tim: What a prick.

Also my favourite!! :biggrin: I love this show!
Reply 18
Once again, the fruit of my loins has ****ed off to Top Shop with the housekeeing
Excellent choice of thread to resurrect. Just watched it all again on 4OD, brilliant it was.

Tim: What's the deal with you and Marsha?
Brian: You know about the deal?