The Student Room Group

Varicocele - Advice needed

Ok, so today I noticed a recurrance of a problem I had before. About a year ago I had hydrocele and varicocele, for those who dont know these are problems with the testicles.
Now I have noticed that my varicocele has come back, this is a dialation of the veins in the scrotum and is sometimes described to feel like a bag of worms. I was doing some research on it and found the very scary word of infertility. So basically I was looking for some reassurance by some other males on here that its nothing to worry about, I read that it is something that up to 1 in 5 men can get. Also Im wondering if its worth going to a doctor to look at, at the moment Im not feeling any pain from it so left it.
My girlfriend and I noticed some dark veins on my scrotum a while back too. I did some research and also saw that dreaded word of "infertility". I don't think I've had any pain which I can associate with the condition that I may have. I believe there are certain degrees of intensity of the condition. I haven't gone to the doctor even though my girlfriend has been bugging me to go. I just don't feel comfortable with showing that part of my body to a stranger. Unfortunately, I have no advice for you. It is a worry at the back of my mind too.....
Dam its like you read my mind, basicly the exact post I should have made. I am planning on making an appointment at the docs tomorrow for the same problem, although this is the first time Ive had it. Ive had the problem for a while but have decided to bite the bullet and go to the docs, it cant do any harm but I think its for the best to see what the doc says and take it from there. Unlike you, I dont have the experience of the treatment from the first time so dont know how good/bad it was but I think you should go to the docs and explain the situation and take their advice on what to do.
You certainly have to have it checked. Often it just happens for unknown cause - it can be treated. however, sometimes it means that something is pressing against a vien. The vien going from your left scrotum drains into the renal vein, and can be pressed much more easily than the right, which is why it tends to be the left 'ball' where this happens...
Reply 4
Go to the doctors. It'll put your mind at rest.
And be thankful you don't have to go for smears.
(doctors have seen bits of me even I haven't!)
She makes a valid point. As embarrasing as it is, its not like the doc has to go rooting around inside you to check out a varicocoele
Reply 6
I am thinking of going to the doctors but am sort of dreading what they would say, and also am not looking forward to being told I may have to go for the surgery again as it wasnt a great experience last time...
Anyone else gone with this problem and been told that it was fine?
Reply 7
Well if it turns out you DO need surgery for it, it's better to go ahead with it before it gets any worse. You really can't compare your problem to anybody elses', as everybody is different. I know how embarrassing it is, but doctors have seen it all before. Don't worry. :hugs: