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trying to help my boyfriend stop smoking

Hi all. I just started dating a really great guy, very sweet and great to talk to. I already care about him a lot and I can tell it's going to be a relationship that will last awhile. But he smokes marijuana, which does worry me. I know it's not going to kill him to smoke once in awhile, but I have asthma from exposure to smoky air (and a few other sources) and I wouldn't want that to happen to him. (He doesn't smoke around me or anything, but I sometimes smell it on him. Not the sexiest smell in the world, it must be said. He's overall very polite about it; I've told him I don't necessarily approve). He also admits that he smokes more than he should. I know I can't change him, and he won't quit unless he wants to, but what can I do to help him?
Reply 1
he won't quit unless he wants to so there's not a great deal you can do.
Reply 2
Hi all. I just started dating a really great guy, very sweet and great to talk to. I already care about him a lot and I can tell it's going to be a relationship that will last awhile. But he smokes marijuana, which does worry me. I know it's not going to kill him to smoke once in awhile, but I have asthma from exposure to smoky air (and a few other sources) and I wouldn't want that to happen to him. (He doesn't smoke around me or anything, but I sometimes smell it on him. Not the sexiest smell in the world, it must be said. He's overall very polite about it; I've told him I don't necessarily approve). He also admits that he smokes more than he should. I know I can't change him, and he won't quit unless he wants to, but what can I do to help him?

Give him a choice you or the drugs, if he has any sense he will drop the dope:smile:
Hi all. I just started dating a really great guy, very sweet and great to talk to. I already care about him a lot and I can tell it's going to be a relationship that will last awhile. But he smokes marijuana, which does worry me. I know it's not going to kill him to smoke once in awhile, but I have asthma from exposure to smoky air (and a few other sources) and I wouldn't want that to happen to him. (He doesn't smoke around me or anything, but I sometimes smell it on him. Not the sexiest smell in the world, it must be said. He's overall very polite about it; I've told him I don't necessarily approve). He also admits that he smokes more than he should. I know I can't change him, and he won't quit unless he wants to, but what can I do to help him?

Don't understand the problem whatsoever. You don't like smoking because you have asthma but he doesn't smoke around you, so I can't see a problem there.

Is the problem the smell? Tell him to change his clothes after he goes for a session.
Reply 4
Hi all. I just started dating a really great guy, very sweet and great to talk to. I already care about him a lot and I can tell it's going to be a relationship that will last awhile. But he smokes marijuana, which does worry me. I know it's not going to kill him to smoke once in awhile, but I have asthma from exposure to smoky air (and a few other sources) and I wouldn't want that to happen to him. (He doesn't smoke around me or anything, but I sometimes smell it on him. Not the sexiest smell in the world, it must be said. He's overall very polite about it; I've told him I don't necessarily approve). He also admits that he smokes more than he should. I know I can't change him, and he won't quit unless he wants to, but what can I do to help him?

so? dump him. it's his right to smoke pot.
Reply 5
If he doesnt want to do it for himself then theres not much you can do, regardless of how hard you try.

Also chances are that if you give him an ultimatum it'll backfire- especially if he's been smoking for years and you've not been together very long.
Reply 6
Best to leave him to it. If you're forever on his case with telling him to stop, you'll wind him up and end up getting dumped.
my guy used 2 smoke..i really did lke him n wntd 2b with him but i couldn't stand the smoking so i basically said its me or the fags. it seems harsh n u feel lke a right bitch doin tht 2 sum1 but if he really does like u he will drop it. my guy did 4 8months but started again n i walked out.the time we spent apart he realised and appreciated what we had with me.

perhaps u shud just ask him and see what the outcome is. if he says no then hes not worth having
Reply 8
I think cjgbr's suggestion of an ultimatum is totally unreasonable. He doesn't smoke around you and it doesn't affect you at all, so leave him be. You've told him your views, which is fine and your right. However if you then start trying to impose your views on him and talk him into quitting you're being too pushy.

You talk about 'helping' be honest there doesn't seem to be any sort of problem which he needs or wants help with. He seems to be happy, comfortable and stable with the way his life is. Maybe you need a bit of help in learning to accept other people as they are. At this early stage in the relationship, when there seem to be no negative effects on you or him, I think you'd be better to leave it.
Reply 9
I told my boyfriend he can get Sky TV with the money he saves. He will be stopping as soon as we move into our new apartment :biggrin:
I think cjgbr's suggestion of an ultimatum is totally unreasonable. He doesn't smoke around you and it doesn't affect you at all, so leave him be. You've told him your views, which is fine and your right. However if you then start trying to impose your views on him and talk him into quitting you're being too pushy.

You talk about 'helping' be honest there doesn't seem to be any sort of problem which he needs or wants help with. He seems to be happy, comfortable and stable with the way his life is. Maybe you need a bit of help in learning to accept other people as they are. At this early stage in the relationship, when there seem to be no negative effects on you or him, I think you'd be better to leave it.

Thing is, he does admit that there's a problem, that he smokes more than he should. I understand what you're saying about acceptance. My issue with the smoke is that, besides its not being the sexiest smell ever, I was hospitalized last year with a severe asthma attack. I've never smoked a day in my life, but I know it can lead to respiratory infection, and having gone through that I really wouldn't want that to happen to him. I guess I'm more worried than angry.

I agree with you that an ultimatum is too much, since he's not blowing the stuff into my face.
Reply 11
you can always try to scare him with all the big health consequences stuff :tongue: god knows it might work
Reply 12
The NHS made this great advert called "Does smoking make you hard?"

Unfortunately I can not find it anywhere on the web :frown:
Damn, that would be perfect!
Give him a choice you or the drugs, if he has any sense he will drop the dope:smile:
That's wrong. It's like saying "If you loved me you'd...". Like Thud said, he can only quit if he wants too. She has no right to give him an ultimatum.
my guy used 2 smoke..i really did lke him n wntd 2b with him but i couldn't stand the smoking so i basically said its me or the fags. it seems harsh n u feel lke a right bitch doin tht 2 sum1 but if he really does like u he will drop it. my guy did 4 8months but started again n i walked out.the time we spent apart he realised and appreciated what we had with me.

perhaps u shud just ask him and see what the outcome is. if he says no then hes not worth having
I don't think you should heed the advice of someone with little concept of grammar.
Reply 15
Best to leave him to it. If you're forever on his case with telling him to stop, you'll wind him up and end up getting dumped.

yes that a better idea dump him:smile: