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bloody hell man, dont change your personality or its all just superficial and the other person wont like you for you.

jeez, there are some thick people out there.
Soul Rebel
bloody hell man, dont change your personality or its all just superficial and the other person wont like you for you.

jeez, there are some thick people out there.

Listen to this smart boy!
Golden rule: Never change for anyone else.
Always be yourself and if someone doesn't like it, then they can go eat dog poo.
Reply 3
Yep Soul Rebel is right.. looking good is all that matters on a date :smile:
Reply 4
why thick? If you change your personality completely then they wouldn't know it's an act. basic psychology!
Reply 5
was there any good reason for me or someone to change their personalities just for a date?? why can't just be who we are?
Reply 6
The best personality when dating is your own.
Reply 7
i see nothing wrong with totally and permanently changing your personality so you can get more dates.
why thick? If you change your personality completely then they wouldn't know it's an act. basic psychology!

If you want the relationship to last longer than a week there is no point acting fake. You can't keep that up forever.
Reply 9
I'd say if you wanted to change your personality permanently to make a better impression on dates you have to be someone who doesn't need a partner to enjoy life, it would be an added bonus. Being happy and trying new things and experiences is more attractive and interesting, and if it doesn't work you're still enjoying life with your friends anyway.
Well a lot of people don't be totally themselves. They tell little white lies in order to get them and once you are in a serious commited relationship (e.g. marriage) then the lies stop.

An example being a women saying she loves football
I think this is a scrubs quote:

"Dating is about pretending to be someone u think they'll like, until they are too emotionally invested in you to leave when you show them ur real self".

Its something along those lines, and sounds alot better.

Why is it that ppl generally act nicer to each other when they first start dating?
Reply 12
well.. the truth is when you ask the woman whether she love really love football or not? the common answer they will say is " actually i only love the player!"
Reply 13
what's a good personality when dating?

Your own one.

how can you change your personality so you can get into relationships?

You don't! So, what? You'd be willing to totally mislead someone as to your true character in order to get them to like you? That's utterly ridiculous, don't do it. Just be yourself.

what in your view is a ****ty personality when dating?

Well, as they say 'The truth will out'.
Reply 14
I'd say if you wanted to change your personality permanently to make a better impression on dates you have to be someone who doesn't need a partner to enjoy life, it would be an added bonus. Being happy and trying new things and experiences is more attractive and interesting, and if it doesn't work you're still enjoying life with your friends anyway.

Only says some pseudo-psychological babble. I want dates and I won't let a crappy personality stop me from getting it. I'm not hurting anyone, which is the bottom line in all cases.
Reply 15
Only says some pseudo-psychological babble. I want dates and I won't let a crappy personality stop me from getting it. I'm not hurting anyone, which is the bottom line in all cases.

But you WILL hurt someone. If you let someone believe that you're someone you're not, it's going to be hard on them when they find out you're not who they think you are. Especially when they find out you're only dating them for the sake of having a date.

Oh, and I think that 'pseudo-psychological babble' is perfectly correct.
Dating is about pretending to be someone u think they'll like, until they are too emotionally invested in you to leave when you show them ur real self

Reply 17
But you WILL hurt someone. If you let someone believe that you're someone you're not, it's going to be hard on them when they find out you're not who they think you are. Especially when they find out you're only dating them for the sake of having a date.

Oh, and I think that 'pseudo-psychological babble' is perfectly correct.

I wouldn't hurt anyone, because if I change myself completely they wouldn't know.
Reply 18
The best personality when dating is your own.

never mind....
Reply 19
I wouldn't hurt anyone, because if I change myself completely they wouldn't know.

Don't be ridiculous, no-one is infallible. You WILL be found out if you try this. I think it's pretty low, anyway.