I do architecture, not property so I don't really have any experience in it, But, I'd say look at he college your thinking of's website, or contact them via phone or email and ask to look at the module breakdowns
Remember, that you don't need any qualifications to just start developing property
Personally, I would look at architecture k100, it will save fees with an architect, and allow you to have a title, that will stay with you even if the property market dives. Don't be put off by high A-Level requirements though; check out
www.architecture.com - ther's colleges that will allow you in even your A-Level's arn't amazing.
Architecture (K100) will also increase your sensitivity to property and architecture, and possibly expand your creativity and imagination when developing an existing building. Thus making your projects more successful, and possibly have the edge over other developere.
If your interested in a purely financial based property course, I'd reluctantly suggest considering Real Estate. I believe Readings course is quite good.
Remember though, It's not all like it looks on Sarah Beeny!