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Find some books in the store which are selling well, and make sure you know what they are about. Also, they will ask you what you read, and how it influences you etc.

Pretty straightforward interview shizzle.
Reply 2
I work for them. First off, they offer interviews only to people that have stunning CV's. If you do get an interview, go along to their website - there should be somewhere on there where you can download a copy of the application form. They don't tend to get you to fill in the application form anymore but they'll probably ask you the questions on the form to you in an interview, so you could practise those...
I handed in an app there a few weeks ago, cause i hate my job. I never did hear back lol, why does your CV have to be stunning? isn't it just like any other retail establishment on the high street, and the people who work there did not seem that wonderful???
Reply 4
I work for them. First off, they offer interviews only to people that have stunning CV's. If you do get an interview, go along to their website - there should be somewhere on there where you can download a copy of the application form. They don't tend to get you to fill in the application form anymore but they'll probably ask you the questions on the form to you in an interview, so you could practise those...

How do you mean, 'stunning CV?' As in academic grades, etc? Or experience in retail? Could you have one without the other?
Why is Waterstone's so special?
It aint loads of the people who work there do not LOOK anything like stellar candidates, someone I know at waterstones just said you need to express an interest in books. There is nothing else to it, you need to be able to sell that.
Reply 7
You need a stunning CV because they get so many in comparison to other stores due to the fact that you only deal with books. No customers complaining about tops they bought tearing after one wear or you leaving the security tag on etc. It would be much easier working there than in a clothes store.
Reply 8
How do you mean, 'stunning CV?' As in academic grades, etc? Or experience in retail? Could you have one without the other?

I meant stunning as in extremely well presented. Like belle 27 says, they get loads and loads of CVs just for one job, a lot more than other retail jobs get.
Reply 9
I work for them. First off, they offer interviews only to people that have stunning CV's. If you do get an interview, go along to their website - there should be somewhere on there where you can download a copy of the application form. They don't tend to get you to fill in the application form anymore but they'll probably ask you the questions on the form to you in an interview, so you could practise those...

I got an interview and it's 2moro ... I'm SO nervous. I'm preparing answers now for it.

Ems x
I love the Waterstones in Piccadilly.
It's heaven on earth :P
Good Luck!
Reply 11
I got an interview and it's 2moro ... I'm SO nervous. I'm preparing answers now for it.

Ems x

Good luck! It will be fine :smile: If they are interviewing you, then they obviously like you. Let us know how it goes!
Reply 12
i hope it went well, how much do u get paid anywhere?
Reply 13
you get about £5.35 or something for the first three months, then it goes up to £5.55.
Reply 14
Working at Waterstones seems like the perfect part-time job. The Nottingham branch has a little café on the third floor that fills the shop with the aroma of coffee, the customers and staff are generally pleasant, and it's never really that busy (except at Christmas and when the new Harry Potter books come out).

I could do with a job next year to earn some money for uni, and it'd be nice to work there. Problem is, I'd only be 17 and I haven't had a job before. Talking to a bookseller a few months ago, he told me they used to insist on a degree! :s-smilie: Don't know what chance I'd stand.

Anyone know how receptive they'd be to an A-level student with no previous work experience? Or should I start off at a local supermarket or something first?
Reply 15

Anyone know how receptive they'd be to an A-level student with no previous work experience? Or should I start off at a local supermarket or something first?

They do take A-level students who have had no previous work experience - just make sure you make your CV really well presented, enclose a covering letter stating the hours you can work, and put it in an envelope with the managers name in it, and give it in like that. They like it when you make the effort to find out their name (should be able to find it on the website).

But yeah, just make that CV really impressive-looking.
Reply 16
Hi guys - I've got an interview for my local waterstones on Monday. They said it could be up to an hour long, and that I'd get structured questions.

I've downloaded the application form from the Waterstones website and have been coming up with some answers for the questions on there - is there anything else I can do to prepare?

Also, what's best to wear to the interview? - the clothes you're going to work in (i.e. normal clothes), or do I need to get dressed up?

Reply 17
yeah, if you prepare answers to the questions on the applicaton form you will be fine. No need to properly dress up, but they do like to see that you've made an effort, so smart casual.

On top of the application form questions, also think how you would improve the layout of the store, what your favourite books are, and how it compares to other book companies.
Reply 18
Good luck! It will be fine :smile: If they are interviewing you, then they obviously like you. Let us know how it goes!

The interview was like taking an exam again, quite gruelling! I didn't get the job; received a letter saying they were very pleased with my capablities but i did not suit the requirements they were looking for ... which could be anything!? They wern't pleased to hear i was at university as they would have to change my hours around in October ... urgh! Back to job hunting ...

Ems x
Basically, sounds like they didn't want to hire you because you were a student- rotten luck.