The Student Room Group

Training Contracts After Graduation/Masters Degree

Okay, right now I'm a first year in a decent law school (Birmingham). I would like to go into commercial law after graduation, however I'm far from certain of getting a 2:1 this year. So I'm wondering, if I didn't manage a 2:1 this year what would my prospects be of getting such a job in a big firm, (providing of course i manage at least a 2:1 as my overall final degree mark).

However, I'm not from UK and I would very much like to work abroad in law if possible. Therefore I was thinking of taking an LLM after I finish in LLB. I was wondering which area of law would give me the most opportunities for an international career. I'm bilingual (French), if that helps. Obviously International Law, but how about maritime law, European law etc.. what are the opportunities like in these areas?

Any opinions/info would be helpful, cheers
Reply 1
I don't think it matters too much especially if the exams in your first year don't count. However, employers do look at your overall record and so they might bear this in mind when comparing you to other, it could be factor if you are going for a very competitive training contract. Nevertheless, I think if you pull your overall degree mark up and back it up with good references from your tutor in your last 2 years, I would have thought that you would be able to get a training contract. The fact that you also go to a well respected "Red Brick Uni" helps aswell.
Reply 2
I don't think it matters too much especially if the exams in your first year don't count. However, employers do look at your overall record and so they might bear this in mind when comparing you to other, it could be factor if you are going for a very competitive training contract. Nevertheless, I think if you pull your overall degree mark up and back it up with good references from your tutor in your last 2 years, I would have thought that you would be able to get a training contract. The fact that you also go to a well respected "Red Brick Uni" helps aswell.

Yes but what i mean is the general consensus around these boards is that if you do not achieve 2:1 in your first year, then basically it makes it impossible to get a contract with a good firm and you will end up as some kind of small time lawyer handling boring inheritance problems for old ladies...I was wondering how much truth there was in this.

And also, how much an advantage having a masters would be in applying to a big firm. For example applying to them in my final year, informing them that I will be pursuing a masters in the following year, and asking them for a placement during the summer between my final year and my masters in for example maritime law department assuming that i take a masters in maritime law.
Reply 3
Big firms, by and large, do not care about Masters. A lot of people do LLMs to try to mitigate a 2:2 and law firms see straight through it. If you want to do an LLM, do an LLM; but it is unlikely to matter much when looking for a training contract.
How many unis let you do an LLM if you have a 2:2? That seems awfully soft.
Reply 5
Most of the top 10 for law will not let you in with a 2:2, but a friend of mine got a 2:2 from Leeds and they let him do an LLM but I think that was because it was an internal application sorta thing.
Reply 6
I think you guys interpreted my post wrongly. What I said is that I'm a first year now, and not assured of a 2:1 for first year. When I talk about a masters of course thats on the assumption that i get at least a 2:1 as the overall classifiction for my degree.

Basically what I want to know is. If I dont achieve a 2:1 mark in my first year, are my chances of working for a big firm doomed?
Reply 7
I think you guys interpreted my post wrongly. What I said is that I'm a first year now, and not assured of a 2:1 for first year. When I talk about a masters of course thats on the assumption that i get at least a 2:1 as the overall classifiction for my degree.

Basically what I want to know is. If I dont achieve a 2:1 mark in my first year, are my chances of working for a big firm doomed?
Reply 8
Sorry, as you may know people in this forum like to start debates that don't actually answer the question asked! :redface: Your chances of working in a city law firm are not doomed. It may be harder to get a vac scheme because generally they will look for a 2:1 in your first year but when it comes to training contracts, if you manage to get rid of that 2:2 and have lots of ecs and other exciting stuff then you should be fine. I think firms realise that not everyone works their butt off in 1st year but I think as long as you improve on your grade to a 2:1 in 2nd and 3rd year you should be fine. Does that help?
Reply 9
Sure that helps...its just from reading the forum i got the impression that training contracts in the firms were almost uniquely awarded to those who had done vac schemes with them..
Reply 10
Some firms take a super high percentage of their vac schemers on for tcs but very many don't. A vac scheme with a firm DOES NOT guarantee you a tc with them and I've met so so many people who got tcs with city firms and had never had any legal experience. Don't worry, but as I said, make sure you get involved in a lot of stuff and any work experience is good for them.
how rude of you @blah_blah you ABSOLUTE BALLY BOUNDER!
i appreciate I am a bit late to the discussion...