The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It's possible that poor diet isn't the cause of your messed up periods, but stress is. When I get particularly stressed, the levels of serum prolactin in my blood go up and I often miss periods. Might be worth having a blood test to check this isn't the cause as it can affect fertility. As for your depression, get some help BEFORE your exams or you're bound to regret it when you don't do as well as you could, which'll only make you more unhappy.
I guess you need make more of an effort to improve yourself get into amore positive frame of thinking.
I guess you need make more of an effort to improve yourself get into amore positive frame of thinking.

That is not always possible. It can be really difficult to get out of the depressed way of thinking.

Anyway :hugs: to the OP. If something is bothering you, it is good to talk to someone you trust (could be a friend/parents/GP/counsellor - however you feel comfortable) before it gets too late. You will more than likely regret not doing as well as you could have in your exams, whatever the reason, and that will make you feel worse. I hope things look up for you :hugs:.
Reply 4
How about a small vacation? Whenever I lose concentration, getting away always seems to get my motivation back. Good luck! :smile:
Reply 5
Are you under counselling now?
Reply 6
No I'm not, I get massive bouts of depression(up to a month or so) then I'm alright for month, with a few down days like everyone does. Should I seek counselling?Depression runs in the family? I don't know what to do, I don't want to let this affect my dream of going to uni!
Reply 7
I'd recommend the hot bath approach but in my experience (as I've had depression for 2, nearly 3 months) it doesn't really work.
I would recommend a counsellor, and that you shouldn't worry about your exams. I am sure that I won't be going this year and though I'm sad, whatever happens, happens basically.