The Student Room Group
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I have before. But it's usually only when it's sunny and I'm wearing too many layers, lol.
Reply 3
My driving instructor told me this happens to alot of people, its not abnormal.
Reply 4
i used to sweat when i got really nervous, like if making a mistake at the wrong time
Reply 5

Yes I used that, but also facial sweat.
Reply 6
It happens to most learners i guess. Its because you're nervous, and checking mirrors and overly alert.

I used to wear a t-shirt, even in winter lol. Try driving with window slightly open, like 2 cm. This may help, and also let you hear cars approaching better. :smile:
Air con/CC?
Reply 8
I do this all the time eek
Reply 9
i did! but i think it was only partly down to nervous-ness - i took a lot of my lessons last summer when it was sweltering. i feel sorry for instructors who have to put up with spending all those long days in a roasting hot car!
When I was learning to drive I would always sweat. It got very embarrasing. I would come out of the car all hot and sweaty

Did anyone else have the same problem?

Reminds me of my test.

I took my test during an August. It was pretty hot, my car was black and had been parked in a nice hot spot with the sun beating down on it for the past 20 mins or so while waiting for the examiner.

My examiner waddles up to me, an absolute fattybombom.

So we get into the car and my door has barely shut when he is frantically tapping with his chunky finger on the electic window button (now I'd have thought that him being a driving instructor he'd have known that the window aint going to move till the ignition is on) anyhow I **** you not, he is sat there panting and I'm thinking he is about to have a heart attack, and I'm not going to stand for that. By all means, feel free to die at the end of my exam, but not before thank you very much, the wait times are too long for any of that malarky.

As soon as I've turned the key he winds down the window, and just in time I'm sure, then I whacked on the aircon to relieve his misery.

I dread to think how much sweat that seat soaked up. :eek:
Some cars windows work for a few seconds after doors have been unlocked, or after key is out of ignition.

Feel a bit sorry for that examiner, but he fails people and is mean, so hey ho :p:
Reply 12
i used to sweat when i got really nervous, like if making a mistake at the wrong time

me too.

but as i became more confident it was less so. just relax and enjoy it. and openeing the window really helps. The AC makes my toes freeze!
Reply 13
I do a bit,
But i think its more a mixture of the sun shining on me, and my instructors apparent need to have the heater on constantly =P
Reply 14
Why do instructors always want the heating on? Mine has the heating on and makes me close my window even when it's boiling :frown:
Reply 15
Not really, but I did get out of the car sweating last lesson, as I was doing some really scary stuff! :afraid:
Reply 16
I had my lessons in the summer, I sweated so much I was worried the seat was damp.