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Ugly and feel bad

I am hideously ugly and have never had a girlfriend. In the past at school I was called ugly and at uni a few people have also called me ugly. This really doesn't do wonders for my self esteem. At the moment I just feel awful and don't feel that I will ever find a girlfriend. I am annoyed at how ugly I am.

What can I do, if anything, to improve?

I'm also fat.

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Now then, proper advice....
if you're fat, go on a diet, exercise more, you know the drill. That part doesn't take a genius to figure out.

If you're unhappy with your looks, short of cosmetic surgery there are basic things you can do. What exactly is the problem? Is it your hair? Go to the hairdressers and ask them for advice on what style will suit you the best.

If it's your skin - drink plenty of water and eat healthy food. It will improve your complexion.

If it's the positioning of your features, well there isn't much you can do about that.

I'm seriously doubting though that you are "hideously ugly". People will say anything to get a dig or two in - it's how bullies get their kicks. Doesn't mean it's true though. Ignore what people say.

As for you never having a girlfriend, well it could have a lot to do with your attitude rather than your looks.
Reply 2
I am hideously ugly and have never had a girlfriend. In the past at school I was called ugly and at uni a few people have also called me ugly. This really doesn't do wonders for my self esteem. At the moment I just feel awful and don't feel that I will ever find a girlfriend. I am annoyed at how ugly I am.

The problem lies mentally, if you constantly keep thinking these negative things of yourself, chances you're going to project that image onto other people as well. Surely you don't need people to tell that if you're unhappy with something, then you need to change it.

Satisfaction comes at a high, but worthy and damn right feasible price...
ok, i can understand why my first post would have been deleted but why my second? I think one of the mods is after me
As long as you won't accept yourself, people won't accept you, the thing isn't about appearence,it's about self esteem. Your attitude says more than you can think on yourself, when you speak to people if they feel you are not at ease with yourself, they won't be eager to communicate with you.
If you can't change your body, at least you can change the way you see it. Things will get better,don't hesitate if you see someone you want to talk to.
Reply 5
I am hideously ugly and have never had a girlfriend. In the past at school I was called ugly and at uni a few people have also called me ugly. This really doesn't do wonders for my self esteem. At the moment I just feel awful and don't feel that I will ever find a girlfriend. I am annoyed at how ugly I am.

What can I do, if anything, to improve?

I'm also fat.

If you're ugly, then so be it, you're ugly. Life isn't a walk in the park. And if you're fat lose weight.

As for people calling you ugly, so what? No one has to be nice to you.
Reply 6
look if ur fat your fat, now i know pleanty of people who are larger than me and get so much more attention and relationships! How annoying lol! But theyve all got this one thing in common confidence. Serriously and they arent fond of their weight but they dont let it get them down to a depressing point. I agree with xena, drink lots of water, eat propperly, moisterise, wash daily etc and do all that, take action in all dirrections. Things take time. And also not until your to some degree happy with yourself will you find someone whose happy with you. Concentrate on your life for yourself.
Reply 7
If you want to improve your appearance, you can to a certain extent. Dress well, in a way that suits you. Have a look in Topman/ H&M. Get a decent hair cut. Shave any unattractive facial hair and be well groomed. Get some decent deodrant. Treat any skin problems. Exercise. Write yourself out a healthy diet plan and stick to it. Don't starve yourself, make sure there is plenty of healthy foods: fruit, veg, brown bread. You can still eat junk, but keep it to a minimum, for example, a flapjack once a day.
Go out with a positive attitude. People will want to be around you if you are comfortble with yourself. Don't let looks hold you back, because as I say there is only a certain amount you can do about it. Have you seen Ugly Betty? She is cosmetically-challenged, but people love her.
Hmm I feel exactly the same as you OP I've ever had a boyfriend and I'm 16, I'm not the most prettiest girl in the world but I've learnt to accept it, one day someone will love you for who you are. And God always loves you :smile: so, just ignore them. And how would you define fat? I'm sure it's not that bad. Just follow the advice other people have put above :smile:

Do you have many friends? What do they think of your looks?

Take care :biggrin:

Reply 9
I think its terrible that people would make fun of your appearance or weight but a theres a lot of nasty people out there. All id say is life is tough but hang on in there and try and stay positive.....somebody who gives off a positive vibe is more likely to meet new friends and partners.

Also remember theres someone out there for everyone. I cant think if sooo many people who may be what others consider 'ugly' but have found partners and are happy.
Reply 10
I am hideously ugly and have never had a girlfriend. In the past at school I was called ugly and at uni a few people have also called me ugly. This really doesn't do wonders for my self esteem. At the moment I just feel awful and don't feel that I will ever find a girlfriend. I am annoyed at how ugly I am.

awww :hugs: Don't feel ugly. It's only the people who called you "ugly" who are "ugly".
Sugababes - Ugly comes to mind.

Oh - whoever negged me, perhaps if you'd just heard the song, you'd know it goes something like this:

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you, so are you

Which means I was actually being helpful, not 'an idiot' as you so eloquently put it.

Thank you.

PS can't edit above - explorer won't let me. That's why it's a new message.

Reply 13
ok, so what if someone really is hideously ugly and the reason people won't approach them is becuase of that?
Think about it, I'm sure everyone knows at least one person that they really would have to describe as physcially repulsive. It must get annoying when everyone just keeps repeating that beauty is on the inside, no-one is ugly stuff.
Well to be honest, I often find that the most good-looking people in my year are obnoxious chavs. 'Tis just the way it is in my school. And often the kindest people are not exactly 'aesthetically pleasing', ... obviously there are exceptions, but what I'm saying is for me, there are two kinds of beauty: physical beauty and internal beauty. If you get what I mean.

Reply 15
I am hideously ugly and have never had a girlfriend. In the past at school I was called ugly and at uni a few people have also called me ugly. This really doesn't do wonders for my self esteem. At the moment I just feel awful and don't feel that I will ever find a girlfriend. I am annoyed at how ugly I am.

What can I do, if anything, to improve?

I'm also fat.

hahahaha lmao!

...ok seriously, your attractive. everyone is
the person who said its about his attitude is TOTALLY right... i have a friend whos actually quite unattractive if im gonna tell the truth. when i first met him i thought he was anyway... but then i ended up becoming really attracted to him just cos hes really confident! it makes no sense... but if you believe youre attractive... you will be. at least to some people.
hahahaha lmao!

...ok seriously, your attractive. everyone is

Let me figure this out. Lets assume everyone is attractive then either:

1) people are the same level of attractiveness. Surely this must mean everybody is average
2) people are on different levels of attractiveness then what we rate as being attracted is shifted and so there are people that are ugly compared to everyone else

either way you are just talking ****
Reply 18

i didnt expect my post to be analysed as an essay :s-smilie:
No point worrying about things you cant change