The Student Room Group

I can't revise at home!

I am an extremely motivated student who gets consistently good grades and is one of the top students in my year group. I normally go to the library to revise on the weekends and I am capable of working for 4/5 hours on end and get plenty of work done. However, during term time the library closes at 8pm and i normally finish school at around 3:30pm and after doing the things i need to do after school i normally arrive at the library at around 6:30 which is basically pointless as an hour or so in the library won't do much and when i get home it's around 9.

As a result i have had to start revising at home in the living room and i should add that there are no electronics there as the electronics such as the TV are all in the other living room. I become easily distracted by sounds such as cars driving by, people speaking throughout the house and so it is difficult to revise and this leads me to procrastinate more often than not.

What should i do?
Reply 1
Try and get a good pair of ear plugs to take away the noise :dontknow:
Reply 2
Original post by aamirac
Try and get a good pair of ear plugs to take away the noise :dontknow:

Do you know where i can purchase them? A link would be great
Reply 3
Original post by MalayHKG
Do you know where i can purchase them? A link would be great

Try Amazon or any local DIY store.
Reply 4
Original post by MalayHKG
I am an extremely motivated student who gets consistently good grades and is one of the top students in my year group. I normally go to the library to revise on the weekends and I am capable of working for 4/5 hours on end and get plenty of work done. However, during term time the library closes at 8pm and i normally finish school at around 3:30pm and after doing the things i need to do after school i normally arrive at the library at around 6:30 which is basically pointless as an hour or so in the library won't do much and when i get home it's around 9.

As a result i have had to start revising at home in the living room and i should add that there are no electronics there as the electronics such as the TV are all in the other living room. I become easily distracted by sounds such as cars driving by, people speaking throughout the house and so it is difficult to revise and this leads me to procrastinate more often than not.

What should i do?

If you do decide to purchase earphones, try music with no lyrics. In the past I've made the mistake of revising with lyrical music which didn't do me any good at all, which was a complete waste of time.
Reply 5
Original post by twhiddy
If you do decide to purchase earphones, try music with no lyrics. In the past I've made the mistake of revising with lyrical music which didn't do me any good at all, which was a complete waste of time.

hahha yeah if I listen to music during revising, I have it on the lowest volume, but they have that really good long 6 hour best of mozart thing which I usually listen to hahaha
Have you tried listening to something like:
It's nice, gentle music that doesn't really distract you by listening to it, but it does drown background noises out in your house. :smile:
Listen to this and all your problems will be solved
Reply 8
I know how you feel.

Try to find a place in the house you can designate to only studying and nothing else.

I find it literally impossible to do anything productive when I'm in my bedroom, even tidying I find literally impossible, it's so difficult to motivate myself to do when my bed is just calling me to constantly lol.

However in the dining room I did all my studying for my a levels and gcses and I associate that room and that environment with studying, so I don't get that distracted.
Original post by MalayHKG
I am an extremely motivated student who gets consistently good grades and is one of the top students in my year group. I normally go to the library to revise on the weekends and I am capable of working for 4/5 hours on end and get plenty of work done. However, during term time the library closes at 8pm and i normally finish school at around 3:30pm and after doing the things i need to do after school i normally arrive at the library at around 6:30 which is basically pointless as an hour or so in the library won't do much and when i get home it's around 9.

As a result i have had to start revising at home in the living room and i should add that there are no electronics there as the electronics such as the TV are all in the other living room. I become easily distracted by sounds such as cars driving by, people speaking throughout the house and so it is difficult to revise and this leads me to procrastinate more often than not.

What should i do?

what area do you live?
Original post by MalayHKG
Do you know where i can purchase them? A link would be great

Original post by sera_m8
hahha yeah if I listen to music during revising, I have it on the lowest volume, but they have that really good long 6 hour best of mozart thing which I usually listen to hahaha

haha me too! there are a bunch of lyricless music on youtube for me to listen to while revising, on low volume too!!
Reply 12
Original post by lemmemakeusmile
what area do you live?

I live near a main road in London.
I work evenings so my flat is free from 7/8pm until midnight, my room is at the back and very quiet. If this helps. Waterloo.
Original post by twhiddy
If you do decide to purchase earphones, try music with no lyrics. In the past I've made the mistake of revising with lyrical music which didn't do me any good at all, which was a complete waste of time.

I also find that studying with _____ helps as well. Spotify has a lot of studying with rory gilmore. There is one that I always find useful as there are loads and are only 1 hour each. The spotify is called:
TV Ambience

I would recommend this as well if you struggle to study alone as I have found it really helps me force myself to study as it makes you feel as though you are studying with someone else

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