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Reply 1
are you both muslim and jewish:confused: :confused: ??
Reply 2
Jews and Muslims both have the same food requirements.
Reply 3
There is a shop in Chorlton on the corner of Clarendon and Manchester Road, about 20 mins on the 86 from the university precent. I forget the name, but its supposed to be good.

Halal is a different matter, but there are hundered of shops that sell it, mainly down Rushulme, and some in smaller Asian communities such as Clarendon Road (Whalley Range) , Stockport Road (Longsight) etc.

In September it gets light at around 7:45am and goes dark about 9 from memory.
There might be one on wimmy road aka Wilmslow Road in Rusholme, just 2 miles south of the city centre.
Reply 5
x Sara
There might be one on wimmy road aka Wilmslow Road in Rusholme, just 2 miles south of the city centre.

Organic and halal/kosher? Then that's great news! Hope your 'might be' is an 'is' in reality..

Thank you!


In September it gets light at around 7:45am and goes dark about 9 from memory.

How about later on in the year (Winter)?
I've only ever been to England during summers so forgive my ignorance :redface:
Reply 6
It can get dark as early at 4:15pm (in Manchester) and stays that way till about 8:00am.
Reply 7
Theres a few on wilmslow road just up from the universities, in rusholme. I use them (even though I dont have food requirements...) and a lot of the meat is great quality.
Worldwide, Rusholme.
Reply 9
Wazi Food Store on Wilmslow Road or there's plenty of Halal butchers in Longsight/Anson Estate area.
Reply 10
But I'm asking about Organic and Halal/Kosher...
Reply 11
Rusholme would be my first guess. It's good for ethnic food, and it's just a short bus journey/walk from campus
Dunno about Halel, Kosher sections are available in sainsburies in fallowfields and some of the other larger stores too. Gaffs sells kosher meat and if u go up north to prestwich and whitefields area theres Titanics and alot of smaller kosher butchers. most of these will have organic sections.

And just for the record Kosher and halal are not the same. i think that muslims can eat kosher meat but i know jews can't eat halel. there are some differences between them.

As for halel meat there are alot of delis and stuff along oxford road and the curry mile that have all Halel food (the most common example is Abduls which is a chain of take away)

Dunno how much that helps
oh and if u contact manchester Jsoc or Isocs they should be able to help u find kosher and halel meat
are you both muslim and jewish:confused: :confused: ??

Both halal or kosher meat are Jewish.
Reply 15
Have you tried KFC?
Both halal or kosher meat are Jewish.

erm, no they're not. halal meat is muslim. but halal meet isnt neccessarily kosher because the rules on kushrut are far more stringent than halel and kosher meat isn't halal cos the animals aren't killed facing mecca and the wrong prayers are said etc.

They are similar but they're not the wrong thing
erm, no they're not. halal meat is muslim. but halal meet isnt neccessarily kosher because the rules on kushrut are far more stringent than halel and kosher meat isn't halal cos the animals aren't killed facing mecca and the wrong prayers are said etc.

They are similar but they're not the wrong thing

I thought the OP meant hala bread which is Jewish.
no, i think the OP means halal meat. the bread is usually written as challah
It's labelled as Hola in M&S.