The Student Room Group

Anyone got any good ideas for how to get rid of a death wish??

Yes, I know this is another really annoying depression-related thread but I need a bit of advice.

Basically, I can't properly get rid of the death wish I've had since the beginning of last month. Most of the time I can do my best to ignore it but it always stays in the back of my mind until it decides to come back with a vengeance. I really want to regain the will to live but it feels like I'm walking on eggshells and that one little thing going wrong is all it will take to make me fall off the edge and make me suicidal again. I'm sorry about this rant but I really need to get rid of this death wish before anything stupid happens so was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

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Reply 1
I would really suggest seeing a doctor or uni counsellor or something.
Think about what makes you happy in life. Try not to think about the bad things. Some people get a hell of a lot of **** thrown at them in lives and others seem to cruise along with nothing to deal with, but all we can do is make the most of the time we've got. When did you start feeling like this?
Think about what makes you happy in life. Try not to think about the bad things. Some people get a hell of a lot of **** thrown at them in lives and others seem to cruise along with nothing to deal with, but all we can do is make the most of the time we've got. When did you start feeling like this?

Beginning of March. I know what you mean though. I used to be able to cope with so much but now only the smallest problem makes me a bit suicidal. Maybe I'm just going insane :frown:
Reply 4
Look towards something you're excited about (Keele 2007, perhaps?).
You need to focus on goals, and ways & means of attaining those goals.

As Thud said, it's good if you speak to someone like a doctor, they'll be able to help you get yourself out of that place that feels like it's never going to end.
Reply 5
Maybe I'm just going insane :frown:

Not at all. You're making it sound like it's your fault that you're depressed, when I can assure you it is not. 15% of the UK general population suffers from depression or another anxiety problem - if you're insane, then so are a lot of the rest of us.
Beginning of March. I know what you mean though. I used to be able to cope with so much but now only the smallest problem makes me a bit suicidal. Maybe I'm just going insane :frown:

Do you know why you started feeling like this? Was it one particular thing that happened to you?
I'd better reply to the guys who said that I should see a doctor or counsellor. I went to my GP when this started, mainly to rule out any medical cause (or, if there was one, get it sorted). He referred me to a counsellor and I'm still on the waiting list, but hopefully (seeing as I've been on it for so long) I'm not too far off getting an appointment.
Do you know why you started feeling like this? Was it one particular thing that happened to you?

Nothing. All I know is that I was admitted into hospital one night at the beginning of last month with something completely unrelated and I saw it as the perfect opportunity to commit suicide. Maybe I just haven't yet recovered from that night??
Reply 9
I'd better reply to the guys who said that I should see a doctor or counsellor. I went to my GP when this started, mainly to rule out any medical cause (or, if there was one, get it sorted). He referred me to a counsellor and I'm still on the waiting list, but hopefully (seeing as I've been on it for so long) I'm not too far off getting an appointment.

if you really feel suicidal at any time and think you might do it then just go to your local a&e department.

waiting lists are stupid on the nhs.
Nothing. All I know is that I was admitted into hospital one night at the beginning of last month with something completely unrelated and I saw it as the perfect opportunity to commit suicide. Maybe I just haven't yet recovered from that night??

Have you ever felt like this before? You need to find reasons for living. Do you draw? Or write poetry? I felt pretty ****ty when my brother died but I found ways to express myself and found that I felt a lot better after I drew a picture or wrote a poem, or even just wrote down how I felt. Even if afterwards I looked back and realised what I wrote wasn't strictly true, just how I felt in that one moment, it still made me feel better. I mean, I can't relate to you specifically because I never felt suicidal, but I have felt extremely sad, and hell, I still do sometimes, but if you find ways of expressing yourself then you may feel better.
waiting lists are stupid on the nhs.

The NHS is stupid.

Sorry to hear you're on a damned waiting list, that must be frustrating.
If ever you feel suicidal to the point where you worry you might do it, you must let someone know (as Thud suggested, going to an A&E - they can contact an on-site counsellor or something).

There's nothing we can really say to help you out of this (unfortunately :frown: ) it's something you have to do yourself by finding the source of the depression and alleviating the pain.

Edit: Actually, this reminds me. One method you could try is making a shoe box of things that make you happy, or can distract you from negative thoughts. This could be poetry, photo's, and perhaps puzzles or blank paper and a pen? Something to keep your mind off "real life". Decorate the box so it's welcoming and nice, and next time you feel like you're going to the edge, take the box out and do whatever until you feel better. I realise this is a trivial activity, and I'm sorry if it sounds patronising - but this is used with self-harmers wishing to quit.
Reply 12
Have you told the doctor youre feeling suicidal? That should move you to the top of the waiting list. Im not condoning saying it if youre not...but seeing as how you are...seems you should tell them!
While you're on the waiting list is there anyone else you could see, like a college/school counsellor? There might be a drop in centre for councelling for young people in your town (like Off The Record)?
Reply 14
Most colleges and Universities have recommended counsellors, try that as well, but in any case your GP should be your first port of call. Sounds like you don't need a forum you need professional one to one support.
I understand how you feel, ive been there, i still am there really.
You just have to believe that one day it will get better, that one day you won't feel that way anymore. Have you got a friend you could talk to about any of this?
Why do you want to commit suicide? Really think about it, there must be something in your head?
Thanks for all your suggestions. I do write poetry - to the person who asked that, but it is extremely depressing. I try to write inspirational stuff but have ended up writing only depressing poetry. I'll try and think of something a bit happier cos I really do want to get over this. It's been driving me insane since the beginning of last month.
Maybe go back to your GP and explain how dire your situation is? And ask if there are any other solutions or something you can try or do until you get to see the counsellor.
The only real way to work it out though (I think) is to work out where these feelings come from, to work out why you feel this way.
Is there anything which may have caused you to have these feelings?
The NHS is stupid.


As you know from my posts in the depression society, my opinion is that doctors can actually be complete rubbish. Well, in my caes anyway. The best luck I've had so far with the offering of help was a local drop in centre.
They obviously can't be that strong otherwise you would have done it by now.