The Student Room Group
Reply 1
With debit cards you can't spend more than you actually have. You can only spend what's in your bank . Credit cards allow you to buy on 'credit'- according to your credit rating, you can spend money a certain amount in excess of what's actually in your bank and pay it back in installments. Good if you desperately need to purchase something. Not so good if you're prone to getting into debt.
Reply 2
is credit card and connect card the same thing?
Reply 3
a connect card is just a visa debit card from Barclays.

Barclays give Visa Electrons or Connect cards, where the Connect card is just a Visa Debit.

so yes a connect card is a debit card.
Reply 4
Ahhhh. Sorry. I thought you asked the difference between a credit and debit card. I misread.

A connect card is a debit card as someone said.
Reply 5
thankyou spig