The Student Room Group

Did YOUR relationship last the test of uni?


Did YOUR relationship last through uni?

It's that time of year again, when people start to worry about uni and wether their relationships will last through the seperation. Tonnes of posts are springing up with people all asking for the same advice.

So lets get some simple numbers for facts here.

Did you and your boyfriend/girlfriend manage to stay together whilst at seperate unis?

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Reply 1
Mine did - well, it's been going on for a year and half in total and about a half of that time we've been in different unis. We visit every two or three weeks though.
Reply 2
No, but then every relationship I've been in so far has failed! And I have a feeling my last one (though it lasted one and a half years) would have died uni or no uni.
You need more options on the quiz. Mine is kind of lasting but we did nearly break up at one point and we ended up on a break. So its not exactly not been affected by uni.
Reply 4
mine is lasting. Been together almost two years. This past year has been spent with him away in uni.

HOWEVER, i'm going to the same uni as him next year :smile: so it's been easier for me, knowing there's a time soon that i'll be with him!
It was rocky and patchy and then we stupidly (very stupidly) decided to live together this year and that was it!! We annoy each other so much and it fell to pieces :frown:
Reply 6
Well if your still together then it is lasting! However i fear for how long..
Reply 7
It was rocky and patchy and then we stupidly (very stupidly) decided to live together this year and that was it!! We annoy each other so much and it fell to pieces :frown:

oohh :frown: what's it like now?
I've told myself that i'm not living with my boyfriend until i'm in third year.. just because i'd hate for that to happen to us.
so far.
...and a staying together whilst at the same uni!

Although I voted in the nos anyway though. We could see plenty of each other, it wasn't the distance or logistics that caused the break up but the way people change dramatically. :wink:

I think one person I know from my college intake of freshers stayed with a pre uni partner, they're now engaged.
Reply 10
Nope, because i dont care if you stayed together at the same uni :P

No-one posts threads on here worrying about going to the same uni really.. the huge majority are for going to different unis.
mine's lasting, but then we do live in the same part of London but go to unis in different parts of London. We're moving in together though soon :smile:
Do you guys want an option for 'yes, so far' ?
Nope, because i dont care if you stayed together at the same uni :P

No-one posts threads on here worrying about going to the same uni really.. the huge majority are for going to different unis.

Definitely goes to show it's not necessarily the distance orseparation per se that's the problem. :wink:

People should worry if they are - complete disaster in my experience! lol
Reply 14
fleur de lis
Do you guys want an option for 'yes, so far' ?

Anyone choosing that option is just tempting fate.
Heh, ok :smile:
Reply 16
fleur de lis
Do you guys want an option for 'yes, so far' ?

Me, me! I do!

Anyway, my bf have been together 3 years and 4 months (and 1 day, haha) and we're in our first year, came to the same uni, and we're moving in together in October. Can't wait! He proposed at the beginning of February but we're not getting married til after we graduate.
Me, me! I do!

You can add it then :p: I'll take half the blame for suggesting it, you take the other half for doing it; sound fair? :biggrin:
Reply 18
fleur de lis
You can add it then :p: I'll take half the blame for suggesting it, you take the other half for doing it; sound fair? :biggrin:

A new option has now been added to the poll.

And saying 'so far' isn't tempting fate, it's just being honest because we haven't finished uni yet so we can't categorically say yes!

EDIT: Would just like to add that I've seen quite a lot of my friends pre-uni relationships end :frown: Made me feel really bad when we got engaged and went on facebook and it said a load of people just broke up! I thought.. 'did I steal all the love?!'
Yup my boyfriend and I have lasted the year, with me away, we never really had any problems at all.
However, I am the only one of four in my flat, whose relationship has lasted. I think you really do need to be in a very stable relatioship tho, if you have problems/complications, then it's not likely to last.