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Is it wrong to feel broody?

i am a 21 year old female and i have recently seen loads of babies and pregnant people around it makes me slightly jelous i think i want to have a child!! it sounds so stupid i never noticed this before i know me and my boyfriend aren't ready for this at all as we seem to be going backwards as we have both had a hard time of it recently im just trying to make sense of it

my mate told me she thought she was pregnant and she wouldn't have it if she was as she is only 19 i wanted to strangle her when she said that

it makes no sense im totally rubbish with kids!!

Not the most authoritative source, but yeah - this happens.

What exactly did you want to know?
Reply 2
i don't understand because im only 21 and i know im not ready to be a parent i know id never just get pregnant for the sake of it so i never have to work take the housing and live off everyone taxes coz i don't think thats right but i have this overwhelming erge to actully be pregnant!!

it sounds so stupid!! i just wanted to know if it is messed up for me to think like this my mum has told me that i can't live at home if i ever get pregnant none of it makes sense
Reply 3
It's natural. Your hormones will fluctuate and if you look back 20 years people did have kids at your age. You know it's not sensible for you to have them.
Reply 4
threads like this pop up every now and again. seems to be quite common. although ultimatly you like the idea of it more than you would doing it. theres no rush for this kind of thing so you should wait until you are ready :smile:
Reply 5
thanks everyone i was so mad at my mate she had an abortion a few months ago it didn't bother me but then she said it again and i felt so angry at her now i know why im not going to turn into a raving looney lol
Reply 6
Oh my, one of my good friends called me aside last year and told me she was pregnant, but didn't say anything about whether she was going to have the baby or not. My face went from :smile: to :frown: to :confused: very quickly. I was like "Yeah... and?" and sounded really uncaring. Oops!
Why do you want to kill people who don't want to have children?

That's a bit drastic.
Reply 8
It's not wrong at all, it's normal to feel like that, especially when you're seeing friends or acquaintances who are preganant or have little kids. I get like that, but obviously I don't want a kid right now! It's just it seems a lovely idea, the whole being pregnant, having a cute lil baby thing, but you don't have to act on it. I can understand why you got angry with your friend...if I found out one of my mates had an abortion, I don't think I'd ever be able to be friends with her again.
I feel the same - right now lol!!

I keep noticing babies and pregnant people and wishing that was me (altho I know deep down were not ready)

Im crap with babies and kids so I surprise myself when I get all broody
Reply 10
I'm a guy, and I've felt broody :rolleyes: :redface:
Reply 11
I am really broody at the moment. I'm not stupid enough to get pregnant as i'm not in a position to bring up a child, but pregnant women and babies fascinate me :redface:
Reply 12
I get broody now and again.
Get all excited at the thought of being a mammy and my fiance being a daddy
Then I realise that I can't even crack an egg, so I wouldn't be much use as a mam.
Reply 13
I like babies :redface: