The Student Room Group
Well I guess it all depends what it is they don't like about the 2 guys you have met recently. At the end of the day though suppose you do have to make your own choice.
Reply 2
If the advice was 'don't go with him he's a player' I might listen but if it was just 'I don't like him' I would probably ignore them..
I'd say trust you're friends...they can see things you can't!

My best friend was right about mine, but i couldn't see it!
Reply 4
I went out with a guy (let's call him Bill) after he split up with a good friend (let's call her Amy). We took some time to pluck up the courage to tell her, as she had basically come to me crying about what an idiot he was when they split up. That was quite interesting.
Friends are more important, I think. Even though our relationship was a success, that was only because Amy knew that my personality was better matched to him (her weak personality was being squished by his strong one. My strong one fought back).
So yeah...if it will alienate your friends if you date him, don't. If they will still be there for you, do.
Reply 5
The first guy I'm not interested in at all now, but that was a mix of no spark/he was an arrogant poo. But the other guy is so lovely, and fun, and *sigh*. But he's the one they've known for ages - I just asked one of my friends and she said "Oh Jesus. Don't even go there. And don't tell [other best friend]. Not a good plan". I asked her to expand and she said she'd talk to me about it more, but that he can be selfish...hmm....we get on so well as friends, and one of my other best friends loves him to bits. Grrr.
Reply 6
Just wondering what people thought about this - have had two potential people recently that I was/am interested in, and things might have happened with, but two of my closest friends have known them longer and were/are strongly advising me against it. Do people trust their friends' judgements, or wait to make their own minds up? Would people go against their friends' advice to be with a potential partner?

Yes, I would, as I don't need their approval.

But I would want to know why they hate the guy.

If it's for a valid reason, then sure, it's worth considering...
Ask them, it might be that they can see something and aren't looking through rose-tinted glasses.

It might equally be a case of them being an alright person but just not getting along with your friend.
Reply 8
I had a friend, well... he is still my friend. We were a group of friends a couple of year ago, he met that girl and then he forgot about us, he was hypnotized for that girl.

The problem right now it´s not only with us, now he doesn´t have relation with his father and his sister but he still live in the same house.
Maybe you should get to know this second guy yourself more before making a judgement.
Reply 10
Go for it unless they have a good reason.

I really didnt like this guy (not hated though), he just pushed all the wrong buttons and used to wind me up so much.
However my best friend started seeing him knowing that i didnt like him, but i said it was fine etc if she likes him she should go for it!
Now it turns out hes not such a bad guy and i'm actually really close friends with him now!
Reply 11
Go for it unless they have a good reason.

I really didnt like this guy (not hated though), he just pushed all the wrong buttons and used to wind me up so much.
However my best friend started seeing him knowing that i didnt like him, but i said it was fine etc if she likes him she should go for it!
Now it turns out hes not such a bad guy and i'm actually really close friends with him now!

That'll learn ya.