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What Chester university like?

Hey I went to a uni convention the other day looking for places that do Communication Studies and Chester's prospectus looks really good. Can anyone give me their opinions on the place?


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Reply 1
Fantastic uni library staff. Fabulous (medium-sized) city- good atmosphere and shops and restaurants. Nightlife not so desirable but you can get to Liverpool or Manchester on the train, which are obviously going to be a lot better! :smile:
Reply 2
It's not a real university
Reply 3
It's not a real university

?? Of course it is.
Reply 4
Call a spade a spade: it's a technical college.
Reply 5
Call a spade a spade: it's a technical college.

You are actually wrong. It is a University. Are you perhaps getting confused with West Cheshire College?

This is the website of The University of Chester, which is what McPoo is asking about.
Reply 6
I'm aware that Chester Uni is a Uni. What I'm arguing is whether it deserves that name, or whether it should be called Chester College (University of Liverpool), like it was before Labour decided that 50% of young people should attend a "university".
Reply 7
Technically its quite an old institution... It only gained full university status about 2 maybe three years ago, before that it was a Universty College, whatever you want to make of that.

Anyways, the accomodation leaves alot to be desired - however, Church College Close i've been told is THE place to be.

City is beautiful (my hometown, I'm not biased honest)... The nightlife - I won't lie to you is ****e in terms of quantity of places to go, Although having said that its all about atmosphere and for that it is top. Student night are buzzing but don't just stick to the usual student places, there are so many other places to go. There is a fair bit of snobbery in the City too but don't let that put you off, most people are really friendly and will go out of their way to help.

Any other questions about the area, don't hesitate to ask.
Reply 8
I'm aware that Chester Uni is a Uni. What I'm arguing is whether it deserves that name, or whether it should be called Chester College (University of Liverpool), like it was before Labour decided that 50% of young people should attend a "university".
Perhaps you should've been straight and said what you were implying, then.

It has got nothing to do with Labour. In 2005 it gained university status. Subsequently it can now award its own degrees, not 'University of Liverpool' degrees. It does deserve to be a University in my opinion. Do you have any inside knowledge that suggests otherwise, Carl?
Reply 9
Here's a really arty version of a night out in chester.
Reply 10
Here's a really arty version of a night out in chester.

So basically, if you've got a bag of pills you're sorted :rolleyes:
So basically, if you've got a bag of pills you're sorted :rolleyes:

how do you find nights out in chester then?

Oh yeah - sorry about the pill thing, to be fair drugs aren't that prevelant (unless you go to Blacon - hahaha :wink: )
Reply 12
i prefer liverpool, tend to go out every thursday there i love it!
I prefer manchester. Not been out in liverpool yet - alot of people at my work rave about it though.
I can't afford to go to Manchester or Liverpool for my nights out but I manage to have a pretty good time in Chester though.
Reply 15
Nice place Chester, nice uni grounds
Reply 16
Technically its quite an old institution... It only gained full university status about 2 maybe three years ago, before that it was a Universty College, whatever you want to make of that.

I believe that this is its second academic year that its been University of Chester.

There is a looking at Wikipedia its had quite a few names over the years.
Reply 17

Any chavs in Chester?
Reply 18
of course there are, chavs are everywhere! loads from blacon and ellesmere port!
Reply 19


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