The Student Room Group

University of Liverpool -VS- St Georges UoL

Right, so i'm in a bit of a dilemma, the UCAS deadline is about a week or so away and I have six unconditional offers from which I have to pick one. I've managed to narrow it down to University of Liverpool for Medicinal Chemistry and St Georges for Biomedical Science.

I've thought about all the pro's and con's of both, I feel equally at home in both places when I've visited and I'm at a stalemate in my thought processes atm but i'm starting to panic because the deaadline is soooo close, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Basically I just want opinions as to which woud be the best institution for me to attend. I've considered careers after graduation such as going into scientific publishing, maybe a field of drug research or even postgrad study of Medicine. Which would be the best institution/ subject to have a degree from to excel in these fields? Where would the best student experience be?

All comments are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Reply 1
Come to Georges! I had an unconditional from Liverpool as well but I chose SGUL over Liverpool, KCL, and UCL!
I guess its just a personal choice in the end but i felt that the course was loadz better at Georges, I felt more at home and I love the fact that its on the same grounds as the hospital. That probably ties in with me wanting to do postgrad medicine though!
Anyway I hope you do choose SGUL but its up to you and I think you just need to think aout where youd be happiest!
Reply 2
and in addition if ur into research sgul is veery well known for its work :smile: ex. its TB-drug treatment =D=D
Reply 3
Two very contrasting medical schools in terms of the course structure, the medical school/campus environments and the cities they belong to.

Course: SGUL is the integrated systems based course whereas L'pool is PBL.

Environment: SGUL is simply the hospital and you're surrounded by healthcare courses students. At liverpool you're part of a large campus university and surrounded by students on all manner of courses. Being on a campus has it's advantages in terms of social life etc.

City: Liverpool is a smaller and much cheaper city to live than London. Liverpool has a great nightlife and despite its reputation is actually not too overrun with crime. However, London is a truly global city and there's no limit to what you can do in that city.

Studying at a London medical school gives you the opportunity to experience a more diverse range of clinical scenarioes you just wouldn't see at anywhere else in the country (maybe even in the world).

If cost isn't an issue, I'd say go to London.
Reply 4
How embarassing. I just realised this wasn't for Medicine.

My mistake. Ignore everything I just wrote.

Reply 5
Come to Georges! I had an unconditional from Liverpool as well but I chose SGUL over Liverpool, KCL, and UCL!
I guess its just a personal choice in the end but i felt that the course was loadz better at Georges, I felt more at home and I love the fact that its on the same grounds as the hospital. That probably ties in with me wanting to do postgrad medicine though!
Anyway I hope you do choose SGUL but its up to you and I think you just need to think aout where youd be happiest!

You chose SGUL over UCL?

but you have a good reason.
Reply 6
British Bulldog
How embarassing. I just realised this wasn't for Medicine.

My mistake. Ignore everything I just wrote.


thank you for your input either way... what's your advice considering its not for medicine?
Reply 7
Well you need to weigh up socail and academic factors. They're both different degrees so you need to ask yourself where your interest really lies by looking closely at course content and structure. Both a reputable institutions although if the intention is to do graduate medicine, St George's give you the opportunity to gain entry to the 3rd year of the medical course if you get at least a 2:1 on their biomed course althought whether or not you get a place on the medical course is subject to stiff competetion.

If graduate medicine is the sole aim at the end of this degree then I would without a shadow of a doubt go for St Georges.

Only thing is, could you put up with the medics for 3 years? I know had I done pharmacy I wouldn't have been able to stand seeing the medics walk past me every day. But alas I became a medic so there was a happy ending in all that.

Go to St George's if Medicine is somewhere in your plans.