The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Err...get over it?

I used to have hideously bad nightmares practically every night - all my worst fears...and they used to stay with me all day, so I do know what it's like.

You just have to realise though that it was a dream. I.e. not real. And heck, if it makes you appreciate your Dad any more then was a good thing really.
Reply 2
What do you mean 'what do you do'? Nothing, obviously. It was just a dream. Go tell your dad you love him if it'll make you feel any better?
You obviously can't take you eyes off your father. Any second now he could die, I suggest the cotton wool method!! ;yes;
Reply 4
There is nothing you can do, it was just a dream. Your dream could have been completely random or have been inspired by something that you had read, seen or talked about at some point. It doesn't mean anything though so don't worry about it, just because you had a dream where he died, doesn't mean it's going to happen. I know it's upsetting, I used to have a terrible dreams concerning my dad when I was little, it didn't mean anything. Stop worrying, everything will be fine!
Death in a dream means a new beginning for your dad :smile:
Death in a dream means a new beginning for your dad :smile:

How is THAT anonymous worthy???
last night i had a freaky dream, and its worrying me.
i was at a funeral and people kept mentioning stuff about my dad such as what a a good person he was. then when the coffin came in my dads favourite song started playing..
so im a bit worried..i know its a dream but what do i do?
Do nothing. I dream about people dying quite a lot, which is apparently a fairly common side-effect of depression. I don't do anything, though... :s-smilie:
Reply 8
Death in a dream according to or or something means that you are scared that the qualities you admire in your dad are dying out in you.

I don't quite get it personally, but whatever.
It doesn't mean that your dad is going to die. says:

To dream that your father is dead, forewarns that you need to proceed with caution in conducting your business.