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Is 'half-caste' a racist term?

I was criticised by a friend for using the term half-caste to describe this artist, as being politically incorrect. I never thought of the term as racist or even un-PC.


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Reply 1
John Agard thinks so.
But yes, it is somewhat offensive because of its connotations of inferiority. Mixed race is more acceptable, I think.
Reply 2
I think I remember hearing it means - half a person. It was used to describe people of who were half black half white, hence saying they are only half a person because their black half is not considered. Seems racist to me.
Reply 3
I have cousins who are half-caste and they have no problems with people saying it. In fact, that's how they would describe themselves.

PC has gone over the top. You can barely say anything without offending someone
Reply 4
I know people who it bothers, its not alot of effort on my behalf not to say it so why bother arguing with people about it.
Apparently everything racist these days.

I was in the high street last year and a traffic warden asked a man to move his car from a yellow line. The man accussed the traffic warden of being a racist and sped off.

It seems stuff is racist when its convienent for it to be.
Reply 6
Well yeah some people like to play the race card which is anoying but what can you do...
MUDBLOOD. Its even in harry potter! Ban this filth!

Reply 8
In Australia it is a very problematic area as it is associated with the stolen generation (a generation of children of both aboriginal and white parentage (they were called "half-caste) who we taken from their families "to have the aboriginal bred out of them".)
So I would never ever ever think of using that, it was a disgusting racist policy that was highly detrimental to the indigenous community of Australia. That the Quatralian government is yet to apologise for!!!:frown:
Reply 9
What can we say these days? Im half caste and it doesn't bother me, it all means the same thing.
What can we say these days? Im half caste and it doesn't bother me, it all means the same thing.

Why not just say what you are? Mixed race.
What can we say these days? Im half caste and it doesn't bother me, it all means the same thing.

Well it was a term produced by racists to describe people who werent fully white, like mudblood in HP.
Reply 12
Apparently everything racist these days.

I was in the high street last year and a traffic warden asked a man to move his car from a yellow line. The man accussed the traffic warden of being a racist and sped off.

It seems stuff is racist when its convienent for it to be.

If that's true, he probably said it tongue in cheek.
Reply 13
Half caste ;no;

Mixed race ;yes;
Reply 14
I always though it was racist... :dontknow:
I was criticised by a friend for using the term half-caste to describe this artist, as being politically incorrect. I never thought of the term as racist or even un-PC.


Thread's been done before. Summary: yes, but not as un-PC as most racist terms.
Reply 16
i personally see NOTHING wrong with saying half caste

if someone is half caste and that is how they describe themselves then why have a go at them

you can say half caste or mixed race: it means the same thing!!!!!!

and neither is racist!!!!!!!!!!!!

short answer to OPs question would be NO!
Reply 17
My sister hates being called half-caste. At primary school she spent ages explaining that she wasn't half of anything and that she was mixed raced.
what ya mean when u say half-casteee??

lol great poem. yes most mixed race people don't like it. Its horrible because I'm so used to saying it. :frown:
Reply 19
Firstly, I would just like to say that the whole PC thing has gone way over the top. However, I personally consider the term half-caste to be quite racist and would not call someone that. If people are alright with being called that then fair enough but I can see how some would find it very offensive.