The Student Room Group

Heel protectors and softening the backs of shoes

Ok. Bought some fantastically gorgeous Rocket Dog pumps, wore them and they destroyed my heels. So I've bought some Party Feet heel shields and was wondering how other people have found them for protecting heels. I'm really hoping that they do the trick.

Also, any tips for softening the backs of the pumps? I think they will soften naturally but I'd love to be able to speed up the process so I can wear these pumps without slicing my feet again! :biggrin:

Thankoo in advance for any ideas/suggestions etc :smile:
Reply 1
I have loads of Rocketdog pumps but in my experience they dont soften, so the heel protectors are a must. Im yet to find a 'natural' way to soften them, unless any other people know! Just make sure you put them in the right place, if they shields arent high enough then they can still rub.

I just tend to buy the Boots ones and stick them in. They used to be really good, and stick for ages, but when Ive been buying them recently they're not that good, and dont stick very well. So Ive been using a tiny bit of superglue to stick them in, which works fine :smile: If you find the same thing happens with the Part Feet ones then you might need to try that too
Reply 2
oooh! i'm going to invest in some - my shoes rub me too much.. :frown:
I think everyone has that problem. I would love, love, love to find some shoes that don't ever rub. I think thats why I like boots cos they generally don't. Its just evil (but gorgeous) pumps and dolly shoes that do. Grrrr....not fair! :biggrin:
Reply 4
I have one pair of dolly shoes that have never rubbed me. They're made out of really soft material.
i love them. unfortunately they are pretty much ruined now
Reply 5
I love dolly pumps but yes I agree its difficult to find ones that dont rub. I had some really cheap ones from somewhere like Select a few years ago and strangely they are the only ones that have never rubbed! I suppose it depends on the material more than anything!!

I hate having sore heels so I have gel protectors in all of my pumps!
Reply 6
so they really do work??
I remember buying the scholl party feet things that you put down the bottom of your shoes to stop high heals[sp?] from rubbing. and they were rubbish.
Reply 7
WHY have i not heard of these?!?! :eek:!! Well i'm off to Boots Monday morning!!

Too many shoes that hurt my heels :frown: tut! Usually use a plaster, however they tend to fall off after a while! I once got some lovely silver ballet type shoes from Ravel, made out of a fake leather type material - only shoes that have never rubbed me, i love them!! But they are starting to fall apart now so only wear them every now and again!

Anyway, back to topic! As far as i'm aware nothing you can do really - apart from my suggestion of plasters but that's pretty rubbish!!

Reply 8
The best thing to do is to get a hard object, wrap your shoes in a carrier bag, and whack the back of them for a while to soften the leather. This will do what several days worth of walking would, with a lot less pain. :smile: Someone also once told me that wetting the shoes and then wearing wet socks and walking around the house for a while will soften them up a bit too.
Rub vaseline into the back of the shoe, and it stops it from rubbing. Same with straps etc... Always softens them up beautifully...

Also recommend using sandpaper on the bottom of new shoes to stop yourself from falling over. Great trick with new stilletos :smile:
Thanks for all the suggestions. I might try the vaseline thing cos that sounds like a good one! :smile:
Reply 11
Cant you stick some heel grips in? I always do that round the rim of shoes that rub

Or rub some olive oil on leather ones, I also heard something about microwaving shoes! :P
for leather shoes damp scrunched up newspaper inside the shoe softens the leather, maybe combining that with a decent whack on a hard object would be even better!
I’ve tried jogging and love the cardiovascular workout and endorphin rush, but my knees nixed that crazy endeavor. So I returned to what I do best: I walk with orthofeet Biosole-Gel insoles comfortable shoes. These shoes are comfortable! My feet may need a specialist, but I am happy with this purchase. I wear these to walk the dogs, exercise, or anytime nights and weekends. They look great and feel even better.