The Student Room Group
Reply 1
anger is the way a lot of men deal with pain. It's not permissable.
Reply 2
tell him it wont solve anything and to concentrate on proactive methods of expression.
Reply 3
Mabe he could attach a picture of their faces/all of them or something that reminds him of them onto his dart board to throw darts at, with a points system of which part you hit? Or make little effiges, for a better want of the word dolls involving men, and stick pins in it. Neither idea though encourages a healthy attitude though so maybe not.
Tell him to talk to a professional, before his anger gets out of control.
tell him get some form of medication to control his anger , try speaking to him about it , for him to realise that he has got a serious problem , it needs to be sorted sooner rather later , before he hurts someone with his actions.