The Student Room Group

i know what its like!

1) Drink lots of water. like, as much as you can. you need to flush out the infection.
2) 'Oasis' sachets or similar (if you have them - unlikely i know). Taste yuk but really help
3) If it continues, go to the doctor

1) Make sure you pee and shower after sex, and keep clean generally of course, but I'm sure you do.
2) Drink cranberry juice: alters the pH of your pee and stops bacteria multiplying.
3) Stock up on Oasis sachets, so you can treat it if it comes back. Once you get it, you're more prone to getting it again.

Hope you feel better!
Have you been to the doctors?
Reply 3
2 words... cranberry juice :p:

It works as Scarlet Ibis said above :smile:
I hate the cranberry flavoured Cystitis relief sachets. They taste like your drinking soap.

The first time I ever had Cystitis I got a very, very nasty kindey Infection :'(

I always try to drink lots of water, take the sachets and (might sound weird) squeeze out every last drop.
Have you been to the doctors?

I wouldn't bother with the doctors unless it develops in to something more which is usually doesnt.
Reply 6
I think bicarbonate of soda in some water is meant to be good too? Maybe google that as i'm not too sure. I know how it feels, agony, when i had it i got to the point of walking round uni with tears in my eyes from the pain and i got some funny looks! Lots and lots of water and cranberry juice too!
Reply 7
Thank you all for the tea and sympathy!! Never heard of these 'oasis' sachets...where do you get them from? Chemist I guess which is just great on a sunday!! No I haven't been to the doctor and probably won't unless it really doesn't start to shift! How do you know it is cystitis and not a kidney infection then?!xxx
Reply 8
With cystitis just feel you want to wee all the time but little comes and there is a burning sensation. Very common so I'm sure that's what it is likely to be.
Reply 9
I wouldn't bother with the doctors unless it develops in to something more which is usually doesnt.

The first time I had it I had bleeding so I went to the docs and he gave me antibiotics.
Thank you all for the tea and sympathy!! Never heard of these 'oasis' sachets...where do you get them from? Chemist I guess which is just great on a sunday!! No I haven't been to the doctor and probably won't unless it really doesn't start to shift! How do you know it is cystitis and not a kidney infection then?!xxx
OP, go to a supermarket pharmacy and try to find 'cystitis relief' sachets (if you can't find them, ask, it's not embarassing, I promise!). Boots will have them too and some of them are open on a Sunday.

Here is what Boot's' look like:

You don't need to buy a brand one, own brand will do the same job :smile:
Reply 10
Cheers! I spoke to my Mum and apparently she gets urinary tract infections and the fact that there is blood and my stomach has swelled up she thinks we'll go see a pharmacist and see what he suggests! Probabaly get some sachet things too!!xxx
Reply 11
How do you know it is cystitis and not a kidney infection then?!

With a Kidney infection you can get some horrible pains in your back/side (around about where your kidneys are :wink: ! ) If it progesses very far you will also become very sickly, have a fever and generally feel like total crap...been there, done that!!
Well one of my ex's had this and she went straight to the doctors and they were very good about it and gave her something which got rid of it.
I have this. I've been hopping around all day in work when I couldn't get to the loo! Just been now though, and its still burning, more than 5 minutes later. Is this normal? This pain is crippling me!!! :-(
the pain is perfectly normal, however if it spreads to your lower back, it could be the sign of a more severe infection. but otherwise just follow the advice in my first post :smile:
Reply 15
In the end i went and saw the pahramacist and she called a doctor who faxed through a prescription to Sainsbury's for good is that for Sunday NHS serivce?!!! Apparently becuase I've got pain in my back and stomach it was a upper urinary tract infection! To the anonymous poster go to your doctor or pharmacist!Thanks for everyones help!!
OMG. I had a urinary tract infection. I thought I was dying the pain was so bad. Back and stomach, and I kept being sick and couldn't eat. Was absolutely terrible!! Had antibiotics which cleared it up for a while, but now I've got the burning again, but not the terrible other symptons so I hope it is just cystitis. Urgh. not nice. Hope you get better soon
Reply 17
OMG. I had a urinary tract infection. I thought I was dying the pain was so bad. Back and stomach, and I kept being sick and couldn't eat. Was absolutely terrible!! Had antibiotics which cleared it up for a while, but now I've got the burning again, but not the terrible other symptons so I hope it is just cystitis. Urgh. not nice. Hope you get better soon

I'd suggest you see a doc if you've had 2 bouts in quick succession. Or at least get some sachets and if they don't work go to the docs.
Reply 18
This is just a little note to everyone who has recurrent cystitis attacks - please, please get tested for chlamydia if you havent already done so. I suffered from cystitis for over a year and was in constant agony and just assumed i was prone to attacks, but then i read somewhere that cystitis can actually be a symptom of chlamydia so i got myself checked out (and i was convinced i didnt have it because ive only ever slept with people ive been in long-term relationships with - so my ex must have lied to me about being clear). i tested positive and since taking medication to clear it, i haven't had a single cystitis attack.

obviously this isn't the case for everyone but it's changed my life so much!
Reply 19
haha the Oasis sachets SMELL nice when u empty them into the glass but it tastes yuk dissolved. MIND GAMES.
Cranberry juice dear..