The Student Room Group

Best way to get over someone?

Hey, well i've recently had a fling with a guy at uni but sadly it ended two weeks ago. The problem is I still v much like him a lot and was wondering how is it best to get over someone...not see them at all anymore, a bit or lots???

I have the same friends as him and go to the same uni, but a different course, so I cant unfortunately never see him again, chances are i'll see him quite a lot. We werent friends before the fling began but he really wants our friendship to grow, but should I encourage this as I still really like him and am scared being friends will mean I continue to do so for a while yet?
My ex broke up with me when I still really loved him. We went to the same school and were both going back to 6th form. I found the only way I could get over him was to ignore him completely. Deleted him from msn etc. It was just too painful speaking to him etc and he was more than happy to ignore me! I just hated how I felt 'cos I'd been a part of his life so long and suddenly he had all these new friends and was doing things, and in the end it was easier on myself if I didn't know. If we'd stayed friends, I probably would've felt like I still loved him. We've talked once or twice since, but not really, it was more to make the peace than anything else.

So, I say, ignore them completely unless absolutely impossible - men are idiots. :smile: You'll be fine though seriously, it gets easier! Find someone else to invest your time in :p: And focus your attention on them!
Reply 2
time is the key!
Yes time is the healer. Just ignore him.
Reply 4
How comes the fling ended? I'm sure you can be good friends, and if anything'll happen it'll be good with the friendship to build upon. If you do want to get over him, perhaps see him a little less but still keep in contact - complete ignoring I don't think would work, as you may regret down the line and that.
Reply 5
For the long term as everyone else said time is a healer. But do you like chocolate? Do you know what I like chocolate! Even though I'm on a diet, everyone has to say choocolate/sweets make us all feel good.
And we like lots of chocolate/sweets, don't we...
so why not satisfy both your needs and make one of these:

sugar and chocolate is a good healer until time starts doing it's job=]
Good luck,just try and enjoy yourself and hang out with your friends :smile:they always make me feel better
Write a list of things you don't like about him, put everything that reminds you of him (photos etc) in a box, and put them under your bed and forget.