IMO better to be a virgin at 21 or even 30 than not be a virgin at 12 or 13. There was a 11 year old girl who was pregnant and she got drunk (thats how she became pregnant with a 15 year boy who was charged with rape). She smoked up to when she as 8 months due. I knew a girl, I say I knew, she was on my school bus but went to another school and was in the same year as me but a year younger. She is approx 18 now and about two years ago her grandmother was 44, so when she was born, one of her grans was under 30. BTW at nearly 20 and a male, like many on this board, on TSR and in general, im a virgin and not that bothered. Not all but a fair few regret given up thier virginity even at 18 or indeed 20 +. Hope this makes sense.