The Student Room Group
Reply 1
see a doctor is the best advice i can give :smile:
Reply 2
stress? either mentally or physically (depending on how quickly you are losing weight) ?
Reply 3
I've had no period for 6 weeks?I'm not pregnant and am losing weight through diet and excercise (since new year)

How old are you?

Are your periods normally irregular?

Have you just started using a new method of contraception?

Have you just stopped using an old method of contraception?

Are you at least the minimum healthy weight for a girl of your height?

Any major emotional stresses lately?

Definitely no chance of being pregnant, or are you just assuming?

There could be all sorts of reasons for not getting your period. It's not always bad news.
Reply 4
ow old are you?17

Are your periods normally irregular?pretty much

Have you just started using a new method of contraception?nope I'm a virgin

Have you just stopped using an old method of contraception?Virgin

Are you at least the minimum healthy weight for a girl of your height?Yeah at the top part of the healthy weight atm.

Any major emotional stresses lately?I guess, school and work getting on top of me but not as much as usual. I started excercising a lot as well?

Definitely no chance of being pregnant, or are you just assuming?I'm a virgin so....

There could be all sorts of reasons for not getting your period. It's not always bad news.
Reply 5
it's probably just stress. 6 weeks is like, what, one cycle? especially if you're exercising. Your body tends to do the animal thing and 'reabsorb' fluid if you're a bit on the low side, hence no period.
Reply 6
How old are you?17

Are your periods normally irregular?pretty much

Any major emotional stresses lately? I guess, school and work getting on top of me but not as much as usual. I started excercising a lot as well?

Well, if your periods are normally irregular, I wouldn't be worried about it, especially at your age. Give it another year or so, and if things haven't settled down, round about 18 is when I would advise having a chat with a doctor or nurse, just to check everything's okay.

If you find constantly having irregular periods makes things difficult for you to manage, one option is going on the contraceptive pill. I'm not suggesting you take it for its contraceptive effects, but because it will make your periods more regular and allow you to plan around your period rather than wonder when it might turn up. You don't need to be having sex to go on the pill, so don't feel like considering this option puts you under any pressure to do so.
Reply 7
Wait I thought you said regular :s-smilie: Sorry misread, Their usualyl regular give or take a few days :frown: They were relaly irregular about six motnhs or so ago but they started settling out!
Reply 8
Wait I thought you said regular :s-smilie: Sorry misread, Their usualyl regular give or take a few days :frown: They were relaly irregular about six motnhs or so ago but they started settling out!

In which case, I'm inclined to think it's to do with your new weight loss and exercise regime. How much are you losing each week, incidently? Just checking you're not overdoing it...
Reply 9
1lbs-3lbs,really depends tbh.On average now 2-3=]