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What is wrong with me and how to I stop it?

I'm posting this as I'm really needing advice on what to do as it is really going to mess me up if I don't sort things out.

Lately, I've been arguing a lot with my bf. It's me who starts it, normally by nagging him about something. I literally can't stop moaning at him for everything he does when I used to be so laid back about everything.

For the past week or so, he's wanted us always to go to our mates house and sit and sometimes I just want to spend time alone but he thinks I just always want him to myself and that it's 'cause I don't get enough attention when it's not just us 2 alone but that's not true at all. I just love him, and don't want to always have other people around. I've also started getting paranoid that he's going to dump me (mainly because of the uncontrollable nagging I do) but he says this must mean I don't trust him.

For the past couple of days now, as well as all this, I can't stop crying. I ended up arguing with him again in our mates house today and started crying and when I was asked why I was crying I had to keep saying I didn't know as I didn't :s-smilie:. My bf just kept saying "What's happened to you? I want the old you back".

We love each other so much and normally we could get through anything but right now I'm just so worried that this is what is going to break us and I want to stop it now before it's too late.
I just think you need to discuss this when you are both calm, it is perfectly natural to want some time alone. Maybe you two need to come to a compromise.
Reply 2
We definitely need to talk this out but I just hate the way I feel right now. I was in the kitchen getting a drink there and just burst into tears for no reason at all. I'm starting to worry if this is really all about us or if something else is up with me.
Reply 3
I think the crying is you being stressed and also probably hormonal. Don't discount how important hormones are in how you think you're feeling!

Personally I think you just need some time apart. I know you love him and want to spend all your time with him, but its just this kind of thing where you see each other all the time which causes you to drive each other insane and cause premature ends to relationships. I've been there and its stupid. I don't mean dont see each other at all, but try and limit it. See if that helps.

And try and start assessing your moods - if you're being totally irrational about everything its probably just your hormones going crazy. Once you realise that it makes you calm down a bit.
its usual to come to these points. and it sounds like you have enough to deal with alongside this. you just need to take a step back and relax a bit. now you love him and by slightly nudging him in the opposite direction he will come back with twice as much effection. not all guys are like that. maybe you should write down your worries, then one by one go through them figuring how you plan to sort them. some may seem stupid. prepare a meal and have a nice night in together and put everything else in your life on hold