The Student Room Group

How do you get over someone?

I'll keep this sort and sweet.

I'm in love with this guy, whos perfect no one else compares. Hes also my best friend who i have previously gone out with when we were much younger and have known him for years and years. He liked me last year but i couldnt see it because i was really depressed at the time and pushed people away etc and now hes head over heals in love with his new girlfriend.
It doesnt help that she is perfect, and stunning and has him.

It really really hurts being his close friend he tells me everything, but the sight of them together makes me hurt so much, but they are sooo happy i would never do anything to jepordise there relationship. Oh and she doesnt like me so even though it hurts i try and be nice to her she throws it in my face.

I want to move on but i can't.
As said in so many threads like this, time is the only healer.
Reply 2
Sounds like someone wants what they can't have again.

As It's my life said ^
Reply 3
Filling a shoe box with all photos, cards, presents, memories, whatever, and putting it right at the back of the wardrobe helped me. I only ever looked at them again once (although I did go on sit up until 4 in the morning drinking and rearranging my music collection?). I started running, went clothes shopping etc until I was confident and happier with myself again. I still run miles and miles each week. I spent nights upon end kicking a football against the garage wall until way past dark when I missed her. I went out more, stopped listening to break-up music, and started to realise there are better things in life.
Reply 4
It's my life
As said in so many threads like this, time is the only healer.

Spot on, IMO.

That, and getting out there, with a positive attitude. You've made your post on TSR, its now off your chest, go out and have some fun. :smile: