The Student Room Group

I don't shave my legs

Hey people.

I know it might sound strange but I was wondering what peoples views are on girls who dont shave their legs.

It's obviously something which all girls will face at somepoint in their lives and it may affect peoples views about you. I'm in a predicament!

Is this such an important thing as I feel it is?

If one of your close friends told you they didn't shave how would you react? Disgusted? Surprised? Indifferent?

This is something I feel that I 1. haven't got the time to do, 2. haven't got the money for and 3. don't feel as if it should be something I should be spending time on, as there are more productive things to do. I also have this view towards make up and foundation etc. I just can't be bothered! Waxing and epilating and all that are just needless pain aswell!

Any other girls know vaguely where I'm coming from?

PS posting as anonymous because this might turn into a debate and I might get flamed.


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Reply 1
I couldn't give a damn whether women do or not. You will get some stares, you will get some comments made but **** it, social "norms" are for idiots with no originality, do what you like.
Reply 2
I think unshaven legs are unnattractive. I don't like looking at my own legs if they are unshaven. Most people will hold this view. Most girls either shave their legs or cover them up.
Do what you like but don't expect queues of potential lovers lining up...
Reply 3
Depends how hairy they are in the first place really...

If you've never shaved them then the hairs are probably going to be quite fine and soft though so not noticeable. I've got a few friends who have never shaved because they don't need to. Not sure if that's your case though!
Reply 4
if your legs look hairy it will be a bit gross.
I find my girlfriend really attractive and sometimes she doesn't shave her armpits and arms. It really doesn't put me off at all. I know she'll get round to it but either way it doesn't really change the way I feel about her.

I seen some girls with hairy arms and they look gross but I don't see that when I look at my gf.

I love her to bits. :smile:
Reply 6
I think unshaven legs are unnattractive. I don't like looking at my own legs if they are unshaven. Most people will hold this view. Most girls either shave their legs or cover them up.
Do what you like but don't expect queues of potential lovers lining up...

That's not strictly true, in this country perhaps, but you go somewhere like Greece and the women there do not shave their legs or underarms and I'm pretty sure they still get men. It's a modern northern european thing to do.

I gotta say, it'd be a pretty shallow man to tell the op to **** off because she hasn't shaved her legs. It don't bother me.
Reply 7
I find my girlfriend really attractive and sometimes she doesn't shave her armpits and arms. It really doesn't put me off at all. I know she'll get round to it but either way it doesn't really change the way I feel about her.

I seen some girls with hairy arms and they look gross but I don't see that when I look at my gf.

I love her to bits. :smile:

She's cheating on you.
Reply 8
I find greek women far more attractive than British women. I saw this waitress in a greek restaraunt one and although she had hairy arms, my god was she one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met.TBH I find that Eastern European girls and asian/oriental girls place less emphasis on shaving because they're confident in their natural beauty. Girls in places like Britain and America are just obsessed with their image and basically line the pockets of eevry plastic surgeon from Seattle to New York. There's no beauty in American women and the world knows it.

French and German women don't shave but they're far mroe attractive than British women (ok not every German woman but the French? oooohh la la).

Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Middle Eastern women are all gorgeous.

Although TBH, I love long smooth legs.
Fix up, look sharp.
Reply 10
I don't shave, I wax, so I'd say my legs are 'hairy' for a week of every month. I still manage to get a boyfriend who doesn't care and waxing has made the hairs a lot thinner and less noticeable.

I am too lazy to shave, so much easier to get someone to wax for me!

I think unshaven legs are unnattractive but that is just social conditioning, I imagine. I feel better about myself when I am smooth.
Reply 11
Do people shave their arms?? :s-smilie: Glad mines is blonde and fine!
However i do wax my legs!Dosnt take that long! You must be a very busy person! I think its a feal good factor, hair free care free and all that. I think hairy legs are manly but wot ever tickles your fancy people :wink:
Reply 12
Do people shave their arms?? :s-smilie: Glad mines is blonde and fine!

Mine is quite dark but I would never shave it. Eek!
Reply 13
I always worry about what all us women would do if England suddenly became really poor. No more shaving for us :P
Reply 14
As far as I'm aware, there isnt really a purpose to shaving :confused:
Reply 15
Oh and disaster flicks or whatever like lost really piss me off because the women are always shaven. Please a little reality would be nice. There's nothing wrong with not shaving, if I wear a skirt though I just have to...
Reply 16
I always worry about what all us women would do if England suddenly became really poor. No more shaving for us :P

it would be fine because then no one would feel compelled to shave in order to fit in and be "attractive" (:rolleyes:)

British Bulldog
I find greek women far more attractive than British women. I saw this waitress in a greek restaraunt one and although she had hairy arms, my god was she one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met.TBH I find that Eastern European girls and asian/oriental girls place less emphasis on shaving because they're confident in their natural beauty. Girls in places like Britain and America are just obsessed with their image and basically line the pockets of eevry plastic surgeon from Seattle to New York. There's no beauty in American women and the world knows it.

French and German women don't shave but they're far mroe attractive than British women (ok not every German woman but the French? oooohh la la).

Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Middle Eastern women are all gorgeous.


I agree 100% with you.
Reply 17
Aren't I the lucky one that I'm going to France, germany, japan this summer?
Reply 18
it would be fine because then no one would feel compelled to shave in order to fit in and be "attractive" (:rolleyes:)

I'm just wondering how everyone would re-adjust until that point :P
Reply 19
An ex of mine didnt shave her arms and the other was a razor addict.