The Student Room Group

I fancy one of my best mates!

i know youv heard the story before etc etc

basically known him for about 7 years, been good mates for about 4 years and i now fancy him. I dont want it to ruin our relationship but i can see it working out. We have kissed in the past, and i know hes had feelings for me a while back, but on Friday night he was all over me (arm round me, stroking my arm/face/hand, holding my hand) but we never kissed. Hes really shy, has never had a gf or kissed anyone else before....but i really like him! should i tell him or let it pass?
Reply 1
Send him a message right now. Tell him. If it doesn't work out at least you'll know. Don't ask on here, just do it - I'll take the blame if he doesn't like you. Deal?

Now go-go-go and post your result. :p:
I would say just go for it, you don't know until you ask.
Reply 3
i like phil mc's idea
Reply 4
Trust me, as someone who's done it too many times to remember - it's better when you just ask.

Getting shot down terribly too was always always better than NOT knowing. :smile: And I had my fair share of them times. :smile:

And then when it works out.. well it rocks. :p:

I hope you haven't even read this reply yet and you've done it. :biggrin:
I bet for the last 7 years he's been desperate to say something to you but he's too shy. Ask him :smile:.
Reply 6
I bet for the last 7 years he's been desperate to say something to you but he's too shy. Ask him :smile:.

Sounds about right. I'm normally "that guy" too, hehe.
Reply 7
I bet for the last 7 years he's been desperate to say something to you but he's too shy. Ask him :smile:.

I agree!

Go for it, and report back :smile:

tell him.
May as well tell him.
Hmm, does he do anything that would lead you on to believe that he likes you as well? Check out the situation first, then see how it goes. If he's shy he might be really embarrassed when you tell him how you feel.
Reply 11
tell him, or ull wonder what would have happened if u hadnt!
Reply 12
As a general rule, if you think a guy might slightly like you, he's probably madly in love with you.
Reply 13
Wasn' me. lol this thread is ancient.