at some point we all feel like that. i am atm. eventhough im told im thin! you should look at youself in the mirror and pick out your best bits, the for the lesser thought of areas you should love them as they are! its what makes you unique, what makes you you. i have stretchmarks im not loving them completely but they say iv been there and done that. in the end it is your body that stays with you 24/7, its like a friend that never leaves, sure it may get a little roughed up, everyone recons they could do with a little more improvement. its natural, but give your body some credit! buy some moisturising cream or hint of tan lotion. something that will put a smile on your face. i love people for who they are and if they are confident in themselves then they are attractive. have you ever seen 40 year old virgin? well one of the guys admits he recons he is as ugly as "*******", yet it is his personality and confidence in himself that gets the ladies. or something like that. go out and buy somethin new, just remember never compare yourself to anyone else. you are you and you should love every inch of yourself, because you will have something they dont