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Reply 1
I'm the same.

During the day I get kept busy, but it's when it gets late I get upset.

I think it's because night-time's the time you tend to snuggle up to your loved one, and since I don't have a loved one with me (yet :wink: ) then I feel a bit empty. As if I'm missing half of me.
Reply 2
It could be like a different version to SAD?

I get down in the evenings because I don't like sleeping on my own :P
Reply 3
Being depressed is nothing to be ashamed of, so I've decided not to be anon :p:

Okay folks, my problem is that I suffer from depression - but only at night. Through the day I'm A-Okay.

Does anyone else get depressed when the sun goes down? What's it all about? :confused:

I'm pretty similar I think, don't know why is strange indeed :s:

Reply 4
It could be like a different version to SAD?

You could be onto something there.

The effect of reduced natural light perhaps? :confused:

I should do some research ;yes;
Reply 5
during the day you're surrounded by mates, stuff to do, it's sunny, you actually feel alive. at night you're tired, on your own, nothing to do, etc. I reckon that's probably why.
I usually end up feeling far more down at night then during the day.
Reply 6
during the day you're surrounded by mates, stuff to do, it's sunny, you actually feel alive. at night you're tired, on your own, nothing to do, etc. I reckon that's probably why.
I usually end up feeling far more down at night then during the day.

That's a good point (about company)

It gets lonely at night. But I'm an insomniac :s-smilie:
Reply 7
Me too. Sometimes I just dont go to bed at night because as soon as the light is switched off my mind starts ticking over and I get sad or anxious about things. Even if I'm having a night in on my own I still prefer to have a laugh watching crap on the telly. I actually stayed up til 6am this morning doing just that. Luckily though, cos of the time difference I can phone my mates at odd hours!
Reply 8

Just the same here too. Ive not found much about it though, anything you do find put it up mate. Evening/night time can be terrible at times for me.

i get that. but when its dark im fine. it just seems as though time is flying or.. acctually its quite hard to explain. you should keep yourself busy or watch the sun set and think about everyone around the world, a force greater than yourself. its only takes a bit, you may feel better for it
Reply 10
hmmm, i find i'm usually ok with the actual darkness, but the process of it getting dark bothers me. in the winter i found my worst time of day was around 3/4/5pm when it was getting dark early. i'm feeling a bit better now the clocks have gone forward and there's more daylight, but sometimes i still feel a bit low around 7/8pm if i notice the daylight fading.

i guess what i've tried to do is change my routine a bit, in really small ways like watching Neighbours at tea time rather than in the afternoon :p: its a small thing but it keeps me distracted in the early evening when i feel at my worst :smile: it also means i'm less distracted and get more of my work done during the day lol.
Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

Problem solved.

Edited To Add: failing that, get some Full Spectrum Light Bulbs (light-bulbs that simulate daylight instead of looking like artificial light. They are proven to help reduce things like SAD, so should work for you also).
Research says that people who suffer from depression would feel worst in the morning, and they get better as the day goes. But some people are the opposite.

I am both... wonderful...
Get a light box.
Reply 14
Me too. Sometimes I just dont go to bed at night because as soon as the light is switched off my mind starts ticking over and I get sad or anxious about things. Even if I'm having a night in on my own I still prefer to have a laugh watching crap on the telly. I actually stayed up til 6am this morning doing just that. Luckily though, cos of the time difference I can phone my mates at odd hours!


I stayed up till 5 this morming.

You sound so much like me in what you've typed.
I know the feeling. I'm at my worst during the night (particularly just before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning), though I still get really bad during the day. :hugs:
Do you guys ever wake up depressed? OMG, probably the premenstrual thing again, but sometimes I wake up and I just want to go back to sleep and not start the day! I have to make myself a hot sweet cup of tea, very comforting! :hugs: :tee:
Reply 17
It also tends to be a time when you've got less to do and you think about stuff that happened in the day and in general. So if you've got things that worry you, you're more likely to worry about them at night.

And of course, sunshine's always nice.
Or sometimes you can have absolutely tons to do and then you dont know what to do first, so sit around getting anxious, then get even more depressed because you've done nothing.
Reply 19
Or sometimes you can have absolutely tons to do and then you dont know what to do first, so sit around getting anxious, then get even more depressed because you've done nothing.

Yeah, that's known as 'A Dissertation' or, alternatively, 'The Last Three Months of Your Final Year'.