The Student Room Group
You can't really blame him for wanting to go back to the mother of the child - he has a lifelong link to that woman, unlike your friend. He is obviously taking the responsibility of being a father (in a belated way), nevertheless he should probably be commended. Too many men leave women in this way, and then fail to go back to their responsibilities.

Obviously it's not good for your friend. But she must have realised that perhaps he wasn't the most reliable of sorts - in leaving his initial girlfriend upon getting pregnant.
Reply 2
He probably realised it was wrong to walk out on his pregnant girlfriend and his child. Someone would get hurt either way, unfortunately in this case it's your friend. He sounds like scum if you ask me, so your friend is lucky to be rid of him. It sounds like you really care about your friend, good for you! :smile:
Well he doesn't sound like a very nice guy, walking out just so he could get sex then going back when it pleased him.
I'm kinda in the same sorta thing, apart from there is no baby.

Bloke who I was seein, me thinkin he would want more is just using me as a 'rebound girl', after splittin from his ex gf. Me being a sly girl, pretended to be someone else to get info from him about myself. As a complete and utter ****, he told this imaginary person EVERYTHING!! And that im nothing apart frm a cheap, boring slag who he calls for when he needs it!! HOWEVER this he doesnt know I know! Im debating whether to tell him i kno everything or continue to string him along. Im no longer seein him again this he doesnt know but to be honest, most men nowadays I feel arent commited @ all, they jus use us girlies for 'rebound sessions' and have no heart or sense of feelings towards it.


Sowee to hi-jack your thread
Reply 5
Way to generalise a whole gender because of some **** you met.
Tht is my personal opinion.
I'm kinda in the same sorta thing, apart from there is no baby.

Bloke who I was seein, me thinkin he would want more is just using me as a 'rebound girl', after splittin from his ex gf. Me being a sly girl, pretended to be someone else to get info from him about myself. As a complete and utter ****, he told this imaginary person EVERYTHING!! And that im nothing apart frm a cheap, boring slag who he calls for when he needs it!! HOWEVER this he doesnt know I know! Im debating whether to tell him i kno everything or continue to string him along. Im no longer seein him again this he doesnt know but to be honest, most men nowadays I feel arent commited @ all, they jus use us girlies for 'rebound sessions' and have no heart or sense of feelings towards it.


Sowee to hi-jack your thread

Yes I would completely dump him right away! Was the conversation on msn/the net? I'd send him a copy of it along with a 'you're dumped *******!!' What a completely and utter tosser - get outta there girl!! Go crazy and then just walk away :smile:
btw, OP, I think what he did was terrible! I think it's clear why he wants to go back with his ex, but he shouldn't have had a 'rebound relationship' for a year! That's so unfair to your friend, I can't imagine how she must feel. :frown:
Reply 9
Thanks for all the answers.