The Student Room Group

what should i do? depression and uni work etc

Ok, ive been depressed for a while, been on anti-depressants since last summer, but since xmas i thought id made a huge improvement in tems of positive outlook and feeling good, and been weaning off the meds. only the last month or so ive been feeling crap again. im wondering if should try to push the negative thoughts away, or whether thats unrealistic? i dont want to feel as bad as i did before...should i go back to my doctor (who is really good) and be honest and see about staying on meds for a bit longer?

As well as the depression itself, ive let all my uni work slide badly. i have such as build up of work. i dont know what to do. ive spoken to people in my department and theyre really understanding, but if the work isnt done i obviously cant progress to my final year.i have a medical condition im not looking after, which makes me then feel physically ill, and a sick parent who will flip and panic and get more ill if i have to admit to not passing the year and being more depressed...argghhhh im sorry, just needed to rant

not sure what anyone can say, but any wise words along the lines of "dont panic!" would be greatly appreciated!
I got the same problem as you, in my first year and depressed and failing the year. I havent seen a doc or tutor but think i might go soon.

Best thing to do is go to tutor and ask for adivce and doc and see whether they can help and maybe i think you can fill out a form before exams which i think is like a under performance form or something not quite sure and not quite sure if any of this helped.

Well, all I can sya is, you are not the only one. I knwo how exactly you feel, I am about 5 weeks behind, and god knows how can I get through this term and move onto the final year... wonderful...

I dunno wht is wrong with the tutors, they are pushing eveything ahead, like we haev to hand in everything like a couple of weeks eariler than usual... great...

I duuno how good/bad when you get to focus on your work, but at the moment, I just can't, but I tell myself, just do a littel bit at a time, it works sometimes, but to be honest doesn't most of the time... btu anyway, we all get ill simetimes, it's just a stage we would all have to go through somehow.

JUst keep going, think positive, and do as much as you can, at least, you can say to yourself in the end that you have at least tried.