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2 Uni's, same course with same course code but different modules offered. Why?

At the moment, I am trying to decide which Uni to put as first (firm) choice and which to put as second (insurance) choice. It’s been narrowed down to 2 uni’s, both of which have the same course with the same course code, however the modules that they offer/one is allowed to and has to do are different. I figured this is because the course code is like a syllabus where there are lots of different units you could do, but you don’t have to do them all to make up the full requisites, as long as you have some parts in what are skills, some modules taken out of the compulsory section and some out of the free choice section (rather like Edexcel B Geography Unit 5 syllabus, for those of you who know it) to make up the whole part of the qualification for that year, then that is what is done. With the modules offered by each university, this must be done on what Uni staff (lecturers and that) there are there and where their research prowess lies. Would I be right in thinking that? Or if the same course has the same course code, it doesn’t matter what Uni it is being offered at, the same modules should be done? Because at the moment I am stuck!

There’s Uni 1, which I prefer the Uni and it’s campus, and prefer the city where it is at and its place in the country, and I prefer its atmosphere and its quality of accommodation and the close proximity of it to the Uni, and I like the fact that there’s so much green space and some woodland too. Plus Uni 1 has a higher research assessment score, a higher library expenditure per student, higher graduate prospects, a lower student to staff ratio and its average offer and my offer to get in has higher grades, which suggests that work there will be at a higher standard.

Whereas Uni 2, there’s a bit of green space, the accommodation is nice although it is quite a way out, I actually got to see the Geography labs, suites and rooms when I went there and they were good, I think, the Uni has actually made me feel more welcome both on open day, although whether or not the big turnout of Uni students for the day was because they wanted to be there or were roped into it is another thing, however also before open day they took my individual interests mentioned in my personal statement, into account and wrote to me of societies there that I may be interested in. I don’t like the city in facilities and amenities that it has to offer as well as the atmosphere and social scene etc, parts of it in particular are rather rough with social and ethnic tension (safety is very important for me), there’s hardly any green space and is very high density overbearing, unlike Uni one where it’s more low density and spacious, I don’t like the social make-up (the ppl) of the city, area or Uni. Uni 2 has a lower grade offer to get in but is higher up in the league table overall, but doesn’t make it onto the league table for the top 20 of my subject in the UK.

I like Uni 1 more in everything apart from the actual course and the modules it offers. Uni one offers modules in things that I do not wish to specialise in and of which would contribute nothing to my career plans and further study (I wish to go on into academia). Whereas Uni 2 offers modules in topics of which I want to learn more about and are in more of the direction that I want my degrees to go and furthermore, a good basis for my career- this is what Uni should do and I want it to do for me, and I would like to go to Uni too as well as having to go to Uni for my chosen career path. But I had a dream where I went to Uni 2 and I was terribly unhappy.

So you see my dilemma? I’m writing this here to look for answers and ppl’s opinions and help. What do you think I should do/consider more? Should I put uni 1as 1st choice and uni 2 as second choice, or uni 2 as first choice with no insurance choice (because it makes no sense putting a uni with higher grades to make as 2nd choice) or reject them all, do my best for the exams anyhow, and then go through UCAS again hopefully with strong grades that will secure me an unconditional place at Uni’s that have rejected me this time around? A gap year of this kind would be unplanned though and not very popular with the folks and myself, as I had once considered taking a gap year out after going to uni instead of before. The Uni’s I’ve received offers and rejections from are good uni’s (as I’m constantly reminded!) but I’m worried that the one’s that have made me offers wont be (good) for me and make me happy too.

And what's more I have to make my decision before 3rd May this year!:eek:
Reply 1
Of course the modules vary. I'm studying politics, and the same course code might in SOAS have a lot of Africa/Asia-related modules, at Warwick lots of political economy-related modules while at Birmingham there might be tons of Europe stuff. The course code just indicates that the core subjects are similar.

As to your choice between two unis, its hard to give advice as you did not mention i) the names of the universities, and ii) what you are going to study (Georgraphy?).

I would say that you should consider the following things when choosing:
- Which modules appeal to you more? Which university has the stuff you want to study or the stuff that you need for the job you want?
- Which city/town do you like more? Which university campus do you prefer? Which one has better accommodation?
- Which one generally has a better reputation. Remember that the league tables i) only give a (partially) subjective indication of the university's strength, not a foolproof rating, ii) change every year, iii) are often too research-focused considering UG programmes.
- Which one generally pleases you more. (Subjective).

Also remember that the grade requirements do not directly correlate with the university's level. E.g. in politics Queen Mary wants 34 IB points while Aberystwyth wants 28, even though the latter is way better qualitywise. It just happens to be in the middle of nowhere while the former is in the middle of London 'ghetto'.

Hope this helps...
Reply 2
If it was me I would go for the university, because you don't want to be in a place you hate for 3 years. Interests in different modules change over time, you might find a topic approached in a completely different way makes you see it in a different light. If you really hate the course that much then obviously go for uni 2, but it seems very much as if you are swayed by the first one.
Reply 3
The subject is Geography.:biggrin: Uni 1 = Southampton and Uni 2 = Leicester.
Reply 4
I have to say living in Leicester, I've never seen any of this 'social or ethnic tension' you talk about. There are, like any other city rough areas, but as students we never go anywhere near them, I'll put it in context, the area where I live is 10 mins walk from campus and on numerous occasions i've absent mindely left my key in my lock all night, nothing has happened. The social makeup of Leicester and Southampton students (or indeed any other redbrick) will be almost identical, and we don't really have too much contact with the locals tbh.

Its funny, before I visited Leicester, your description was pretty much my perception of it, but when I got here I found that almost none of it is actually accurate, at least in my experience.

That said - go to the university where you feel you would be most comfortable, ignore league tables and crap like that if a uni has a decent historical reputation as both Leicester and Southampton do, then you will be just as well off in terms of graduation prospects at one then the other.
Each university is an independent examining authority, the syllabuses are different between each university. The course code is a UCAS system to make it easier for prospective students to find similar courses, nothing more.
Southampton. You said you prefer everything about the uni except the course, which means there are far more pros than cons, and you don't exactly seem to dislike the course- I'm sure there will still be some modules that interest you.