The Student Room Group

Annoying habits

Everytime im sat near him my dad keeps flicking his nail and rubbing his thumb and finger together making a dry flicking sound. It really gets on my nerves but he really doesn't care. He also whistles the dog really loudly when right next to me and its horrible, I tell him over and over but he just says 'p*** off Im not bothered about you'. He does hate me but who is in the wrong here me or him? Or is there no answer to this?
Reply 1
tbh you seem overly sensitive, but that doesn't justify him treating you like that either.
Reply 2
I am overly sensitive I admit but the thing is if anyone else told him to stop he probably would, at the least he wouldn't reply like that. So why is he like this with me? I have to go out of the room when tapping on my ninteno ds lol, though I suppsoe most would say its different.
Reply 3
I am overly sensitive I admit but the thing is if anyone else told him to stop he probably would, at the least he wouldn't reply like that. So why is he like this with me?

I know it can't feel good but I don't think you should read too much into it. Your father loves just as I love my brother yet whenever he disturbs me the slightest I snap at him - a reflex I have when it comes to him since he was a boisterous kid :s-smilie: Maybe you were a pain in the ass when younger and so he still gets all wired up at every little thing you do? :biggrin: lol idk, I just have a feeling that it's not at all as bad as you think it is :smile:

As for things you can actually do - couldn't you talk to your mother about this and tell her how you feel, so that she can subtly tell him to check his feelings and to respect yours?