The Student Room Group

Procrastinating parties...

I'm in my first year at university, and as most of you might have noticed already, campus is full of people, both girls and guys, who used to be nerds and loners at high school and now try hard to prove themselves and everyone else that they aren't anymore by engaging in overly excessive partying, drinking and shagging around aimlessly.

While they're having fun and experiencing their personal growth, I guess that I'm the opposite case: previously a DJ and party creator, currently I'm trying to prioritize my time towards studies and, well... more serious stuff :cool:, (especially, but not only, to respect my budget and that of my parents).

My issue is: I don't want to be rude.
Although I was immensely involved in the entertainment and networking activities at the start of the academic year, I'm currently rejecting invitations at an exponential rate (b'day parties, exams are over parties, this party, that party, whatever party, blahblahblah, don't they ever get fed up?!).
I want to stick to my new friends and I don't want them to misunderstand my non-attendance.
How can I communicate to all these "ex-nerds" that I respect them, that we're all cool and jiggy, that we're friends even if I can't go to their parties?

Somewhere deep inside I bear the irrational fear that, due to the new standards of "social life" they have set, I might be socially rejected by them solely on the basis of my party procrastinating (or party-shunning) at university.
I usually wouldn't care much, but hey, this is university and you will meet the greatest friends of your life here, right? :smile:
Reply 1
Just be honest with them. Don't lie and make things up as this could make things worse. If they're your friends they will understand. If not, look somewhere else.
Reply 2
^i agree. im in my last year of sixth form and i do this as well. just tell them that you don't want to spend too much time partying because as you know hangovers and stuff take up quite a bit of the next day and you DO want to study. but if you dont want them to get upset or anything, then do tell them that even though you aren't keen on parties and getting drunk etc, you can still make time to see them socially. that way they won't feel like you are rejecting them :smile:
Reply 3
I think you are making the right decision, you will go far if you concentrate on your studies.
Reply 4
Your being very mature, continue this by explaining to your friends your situation.
Reply 5
I thought this thread would be about people having parties to procrastinate from revision, which is a damn good idea.

(sorry I cant offer advice, im pretty much in the same situation!)