I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year now and I really do not care if he looks at other women - doesn't phase. I look at other men as well, so this doesn't bother me…
What does bother me is that with him, it isn't just checking out other women, he oggles and stares at them when I'm with him in public and it's not simply a quick glance - it's a long LONG stare and it gets to the point where it has started to affect the communication in our relationship. For example: when we are out together and I'm talking to him and if he were to suddenly spot a hot girl, he will stop listening to me and will have no idea what I'm saying as he's oggling her. When I'm done talking expecting a reply, he'll still be checking out girl X, and I'll be standing there, looking like an idiot and feeling very little. I'll ask him if he's heard a word of what I've said to him and he'll say "no" and continue to checking out whoever he's oggling.
Now I've told him heaps of times that it bothers me when he does this and he has assured me he will try not to to do it, but it's been a good 6-7 months since the last time I told him to stop and he still does it. I've told him if I saw him doing it again - I'm going to point it out and make a big deal about it - and he'll say that would be the best way to get me to stop - but I don't want to be the sort of person who has to do that.
All of this has started to make me question if I'm pretty enough for him and if not, what I could do to make him notice me - and it's getting difficult.
I guess, I'd like to hear what people have to say/think about this. Do other people have partners who do the same, if so, how do you handle it?