Hey dudes. My insomnia (of the sleep-maintainence type, not sleep-onset) has been particularly bad recently. My exams currently are going terribly as a result. My last exam is tomorrow.
I am considering tonight using some diphenhydramine, which is the drug in Nytol and other such OTC sleep-aids. I am reluctant to do so, and not happy with its mechanism etc (it isn't the same as normal sleep) but I fear for my health if I go another night without proper sleep.
I'd like your experiences with diphenhydramine. Your dosage, when taken, what for, its effects, and importantly any next-day hangover from it. I need to be alert 12 hours after taking it, for my exam.
If I don't sleep tonight, tomorrow I may as well not go to the exam. I can't revise today anyway, and don't yet know any of the material. Its like a thick fog over my mind, nothing goes in or out.
Your experiences with diphenhydramine, please.
Thanks, dudes