To cut a long story short, I accidentally read some messages between my boyfriend and his ex, from the time when they were still going out. He didn't intend for me to read them, I stumbled across them in error, so I can't really be mad. Plus, he wasn't mine back then. Anyway, it's got me thinking.
I don't doubt how he feels about me now, but I know him well enough to know that the words he wrote back then were genuine. That he thinks he's in love with me now, but that he also thought he was in love with her then.
She's not his only serious ex - there are at least three others, of whom I'm aware. So he's allegedly been in love five times now, if you include his relationship with me.
We're both 22. Incuding my current relationship, in my short life so far, I've been in love twice. I think that's pretty reasonable. But to be 22, and to have fallen in love five times? Is that even possible? Oh, I fully accept that at the age of 22, you might have slept with five hundred other people, but to fall in love five times? Really?
And I'm genuinely not trying to be offensive, but generally speaking, boys mature emotionally slower than girls. Can a guy really, truly fall in love five times by the time he's 22? Or is he confusing sex with love?
I'd be interested to hear some perspectives from both genders.