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Reply 1
In what context? There's no definitive ranking as such, just various different organisations (often newpapers in the UK) that put together their own rankings. Was there a particular one you were interested in?
Reply 2
Well actually i meant overall. I have accepted offer from warwick in the course Computer and Information Engineering and i heard that its ranked 6th in the UK. The whole university as a whole is ranked 6th. Thats what i heard.

Yeah i know i should have looked at it before i accepted their offer but its not the ranking which will bother me its the money required for international students that is bothering me.
Reply 3
well rankings vary from year to year...its better to put it in perspective of subjects or general subject areas, or maybe into tiers.

The general consensus is (correct me if im wrong) for overall university ranking:

Tier 1: Oxford, Cambridge
Tier 2: Imperial, Warwick, LSE, UCL
Tier 3: Durham, York, Bath, Bristol, Nottingham
Reply 4
From my experience if you're going to use league tables, keep in mind a few things:

1. Make sure they're subject specific. For example, Imperial College is (apparently) better than Oxford and Cambridge for Chemical Engineering, but not so in other subjects.
2. Don't use this year's tables. The removal of TQA and inclusion of the statistically flawed Student Satisfaction Survey means they're all wrong.
3. If possible, look over a number of years and find a general position.
4. The league tables do use different criteria. For example, The Times nearly always have Oxford above Cambridge, most others have it the other way round.

My advice would be to look at the league tables only to find out which universities to research, not to make decisions. Bit late for that now, but never mind! Basically, if you didn't look at them, it won't make much difference.
Reply 5
i saw a table which ranked Warwick top20-30s in the world for Social Sciences (UCL somewhere in the 50s).
Reply 6
Worldwise I think its something like 66 or 77 (or was a year ago). No idea how they work either, as some of the lower unis are above warwick on a lot of the worldwide rankings.
Reply 7
no they definetly moved up. Nottingham is ranked somewhere 60th (with Durham 90th or so). but then again some world rankings are crazy and put places like Sheffield as top5 Uk uni or Edinburgh as one of the best in the World :s-smilie:
Reply 8
trust no one, doubt everything :biggrin: hehe
Reply 9
In the Times top 100 universities (I checked it about 2 months ago last time) Warwick was 8th, based on teaching assesment or something
Reply 10
well rankings vary from year to year...its better to put it in perspective of subjects or general subject areas, or maybe into tiers.

The general consensus is (correct me if im wrong) for overall university ranking:

Tier 1: Oxford, Cambridge
Tier 2: Imperial, Warwick, LSE, UCL
Tier 3: Durham, York, Bath, Bristol, Nottingham

I'm sorry but I don't see how Warwick is in a different tier to Bristol. Bristol was ranked above it by the Times last year.
Loughborough was ranked 6th. your point? Bristol doesnt have any advantage over places like NOttingham or Durham should we make a Tier 2 with like 15 Unis in it?
Reply 12
Worldwide rankings are completed biasedin favour of american univeristies. If you look at them you'll see stupid things like dartmouth college and cornell univeristy near the top.
erm...they regularly come in top15 for American rankings as well...what you on about :s-smilie:...both are Ivy League Unis..both are very good (Cornell especially for engineering).
Reply 14
Loughborough was ranked 6th. your point? Bristol doesnt have any advantage over places like NOttingham or Durham should we make a Tier 2 with like 15 Unis in it?

I'm not arguing that Bristol should be classified with LSE and Imperial as a tier 2 university, whatever the hell that means, just wondering why Warwick is supposedly better than Bristol when Bristol came in the top 50 international universities according to the Times, and came higher than it in the normal rankings.

I would say that Bristol, UCL and Warwick graduates would be regarded below LSE and Imperial graduates for most jobs - apart from maybe Investment Banking where Warwick seems to have an excellent reputation.
rankings only matter in the most competative of industries. and in those places Warwick does have the advantage (e.g. IB). A general graduate job e.g. manager at Aldi etc...and i doubt they care whether you went to Bristol or Warwick or Manchester.
Reply 16
rankings only matter in the most competative of industries. and in those places Warwick does have the advantage (e.g. IB). A general graduate job e.g. manager at Aldi etc...and i doubt they care whether you went to Bristol or Warwick or Manchester.

What you just wrote contradicts itself. After I just showed you that Bristol is often regarded slightly higher than Warwick in university rankings you then said they only count for the most competitive jobs and somehow came to the conclusion through some weird logic that therefore Warwick has an advantage.

Warwick probably has an advantage in IB, like I said, but for another competitive job such as with a city law firm or the Civil Service fast-stream, then I'd say there is no advantage in going to Warwick.
im not contradicting myself. look it doesnt matter. people can go to either. for jobs which arent the most competative around, going to one over another doesnt matter. at the most competative job sectors such as IB, going to Warwick will give you an advantage (it has a reputation in this sector), but tbh if youre good enough to get in from Warwick youd probably be good enough to get in from Bristol as well.

edit: and im not really gonna bother any more tbh to talk about a subject with someone who leaves me negative rep but is so cowardly that not only do you not leave your name but you also find a post on a completly diffrent sub forum so that i wouldnt be able to realise it was you :smile:. foiled :p:
Reply 18
hum... no point arguing about this ...
if you can get in, you are good enough. end of story.
Reply 19
hum... no point arguing about this ...
if you can get in, you are good enough. end of story.

Good point. After all, outside of Oxbridge the Russell Group universities are all pretty much to the same high standard, its only minor differences in reputation/research/lifestyle. The degree you come out with, assuming you do well, will be just as highly respected. Plus you should be paying the same fees anywhere in the UK.