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Anyone else keeping their partners from 6th Form?

I adore the guy im with atm, id be nothing without him and he's my best mate! We've decided to stay together when we go to uni. Im going to Liverpool to do vetmed and he's going UCL to do medicine. Theres a train from liverpool to london so i can see him as often as i want, but i wanna know if anyone has the same plans as me with partners or if anyone did this last yr? just to let me know what went on and whether there are any success stories, as i really wanna stay with my bf as long as possible!
Reply 1
My bf is going to Uni this year and I'm staying in London to do A2s. We are sticking together (been dating for 3.5years). I truly believe that love conquers all!
Reply 2
Me and my boyfriend left school last year and we've both been on gap years, me in plymouth and him in birmingham. so far its working well and we are really close, talk every night etc :smile: the only problem is that he is living with a girl flatmate, just the two of them. grrr. which i dont like at all, but then im just jealous i think :P xxx
Reply 3
I kept mine in a box but he escaped :frown:
Reply 4
Yup :smile:. Iv been with my guy for 4 years in June. Im going to the RVC london to do vet med and he is going to bristol to so avionics.
Reply 5
3 years and a couple of weeks, he's at uni near manc and i'm four hours north at home. next year i'm going to uni an hour south so e'll be 3 hours away and 4 years together... so i think it's going good :biggrin: seriously, it can work quite easily once you settle in.
I met my guy when I was in 6th form, and going to uni actually brought me to live closer to him (other side of the city, I wasn't very adventurous!) I'm starting a placement in july for my 3rd year of uni so will be living near london - I think it'll be a testing time for the relationship but we've been preparing mentally for a long time and figuring out what will happen. The only problem is the cost of the trains, but I hear if you book well enough in advance it's pretty cheap, especially with a young person's railcard.
Good luck!
Reply 7
I did it two years ago - it's our 5 year anniversary on Thurs :smile: He's at Durham and i'm at Nottingham. Next year will be harder because he's in France but we're going to try and get through that as well. xx
I adore the guy im with atm, id be nothing without him and he's my best mate! We've decided to stay together when we go to uni. Im going to Liverpool to do vetmed and he's going UCL to do medicine. Theres a train from liverpool to london so i can see him as often as i want, but i wanna know if anyone has the same plans as me with partners or if anyone did this last yr? just to let me know what went on and whether there are any success stories, as i really wanna stay with my bf as long as possible!

My situation is so close to yours! I'm off to UCL in September, whereas my bf staying in Northern Ireland to do computer science. It's going to be tough only seeing each other a max of a couple of times a term for six years but he's worth it and I hope we'll make it (wishful thinking perhaps :rolleyes:)
Reply 9
My boyfriend is hoping to go to Liverpool and Im hoping to go to Bournemouth. We've been together 4 years next month and we aren't going to let our time together come to an end just because of uni. I don't know how we are going to do it because it will all depend on timtables during term time but I know Ill be spending a lot of time with him during the holidays.

Its going to be tough as we are used to seeing each other every day (at the same school and sixth form) but time will tell. We are hoping to grow as individuals and get more friends at uni so who knows? this might change us. I'm going with an open mind and I think it would be best for you too. That way you won't be heartbroken if the worst comes to the worst. I can empathise with you so if you need a chat then dont hesitate!
Reply 10
I went to uni with my boyfriend. We are ridiculous and would have gone crazy being seperated. Going well so far :smile:

FYI OP, a return from London Euston to Liverpool Lime Street on the train costs £59.70... Well, only £39 with a young person's railcard but that's still a lot. Remember to budget for it!
My girlfriend goes to York Uni, and i am still here in Berkshire studying my A2s. I won't say its easy, but when the relationship is strong enough you will get through it. Trust needs to be there, and of course the love, and it will go fine. I see my gf once every 3 weeks, and we are still as in love as we have always been. I will be joining her in York in September for Uni.
We weren't in 6th form together, but I'm sticking with Ben when I go to uni in October. Uberly cool, as we are both going to York.
I adore the guy im with atm, id be nothing without him and he's my best mate!

In lieu of an 'alarm bells' smilie - beware thinking like this.
Reply 14
We stuck together, both went to Bristol, and have now broken up before the first year is out lmao....

But it's gotta be worth a try. Works fine for some, and so long as you make sure you aren't the annoyingly clingy couple in the corner and have seperate social lives it's not the end of the world if it goes tits up..
I'm betting on it not lasting
Reply 16
I stayed with my boyfriend when I went to uni although he was in a full time job (and had been since we met) But none the less we are still together. I will not say it has been easy but it hasn't been too hard and hasn't been impossible.

Only those who don't love each other break up due to distance!

Anyway you only spend half your year at uni. The rest is holidays so anyone who does split up and end up with a new person at uni....half the year they won't see them!!!!

(Though some of us are LDR wherever we are :frown: My boyfriend now lives somewhere between my uni and home!!!
Reply 17
A friend of mine has been with his girlfriend for about two and a half years - they met at a debating competition. She is in her final year at school and he is on a gap year before studying medicine. The girlfriend lives in Scotland and he is in Bristol! They don't even let that bother them! :smile:

I don't usually comment here but just had to on reading this post! I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year; we met at a debating competition; I am in my final year at school; and he is in his first year studying medicine. We're both in London at the moment but next year I'll be moving to Cambridge. We won't be letting that bother us either :smile:. Hope things continue going well for your friend and his girlfriend, Wildebeest!
Reply 18
Im in Aberdeen and my boyfriend lives down in London, but its only 12 quid return on Megabus so we see each other a lot.
Reply 19
Well everyone seems to of been going out with their partners for a long time before going off to uni, iv only been with mine 6 months this month, but u know when u find some1 who makes u smile by just turning up in the room!
However all stories have been a great help, cheers guys! Cant wait for the moment though when i find out theres an absolutely gorgeous girl in the room next to him, oh the joys i have to look foreward to!
Oh and found out that its only £8.25 for a single for trains to london so if i buy two of them, cheaper than getting a return, but thanks anyways Talya for the heads up!