The Student Room Group

How to avoid being walked in on

My boyfriend is coming over on Friday. Whilst my parents know about him, and like what they know, I'm sure they are slightly uneasy about me bringing a boy home for the first time.
ive already told them the plan is to bring him in..introduce him then we will go upstairs to "watch a film"
as far as I know, my parents have bought this story, but I would really really like to avoid them walking in on us?
What do I do if they knock and we're both naked?
Im going to assume they will knock, unless they just really want to catch me out which i doubt, seeing as they know id never talk to them again.

Anything else I should say to prepare them for when he meets them?
Help? X

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Reply 1
There is no way of doing this when at home, unless your parents know you're going to have sex. Then, they will steer clear from you.
Reply 2
Lock the door?

Don't do it at home then. Maybe check into a hotel or something.

Put a chair against the door.
Reply 3
probably not the best idea to bring him round for the first time and have sex whilst your parents are home :rolleyes:

Are there any times your parents are both out of the house?
Reply 4
probably not the best idea to bring him round for the first time and have sex whilst your parents are home :rolleyes:

Are there any times your parents are both out of the house?

None. Ever. EVER.
They won't hear and I'm fairy sure they wont walk in, theyd definitely knock first atleast.
And i dont know. self control is hard at the ripe old age of 17. Being in a bed is just asking for it really...
If your parents are at home, and you don't have a lock on your door, then don't do it! Simple as. You probably wouldn't enjoy it anyway, you'd just be constantly paranoid that they'd hear you or walk in. Wait until you're alone, both for your benefit and out of respect for your parents. It's their house, after all.
Reply 6
I like the chair infront of the door thing.
ok no sex.
Hands can slip down jeans..but I guess no nakedness.
I'll see what happens on fri anyway I spose..judge the mood!
When my boyfriend comes round, I just say "mum, ***'s round" and she takes that as a signal not to come in, maybe your parents would do the same? On the other hand though, theres my sister. The other day she knocked on the door so I said "***'s round" thinking she'd go "oh ok" and go away. Oh no. She comes in clutching an AS maths textbook and starts asking me about surds. I was like "get the **** out!" Lol
Reply 8
just do it. theyll walk in once and never do it again :p: making a big deal out of not coming in to your parents will make them come in more.
Reply 9
When my boyfriend comes round, I just say "mum, ***'s round" and she takes that as a signal not to come in, maybe your parents would do the same?

That's what I think they will do, they know I want everything to be right and wont embarass me. Like when I see someone in town I know, she just carries on walking and pretends not to know me so as not to embarass me.
Shes pretty safe really, im sure itll be FINE.
seeing as they know id never talk to them again.

You'd never talk to them again?? OR rather they'd never talk to YOU again. You're living in THEIR house, they are FEEDING YOU, CLOTHING YOU and now you are bringing in a boy for a night on top of them you have no shame and you LIE your parents that you gonna 'watch a movie' and you have dare to write that if they catch you both you're not gonna talk to them???????!!!!!!
Reply 11
all worship anon 3 they are the savour of us all
You'd never talk to them again?? OR rather they'd never talk to YOU again. You're living in THEIR house, they are FEEDING YOU, CLOTHING YOU and now you are bringing in a boy for a night on top of them you have no shame and you LIE your parents that you gonna 'watch a movie' and you have dare to write that if they catch you both you're not gonna talk to them???????!!!!!!

Woah drama queen! She's bringing a boy home, she's 17, big deal!
Wear a skirt and do it with your clothes on then when if they knock he can just zip up his pants. Oh have the film on mute as well. All sorted
To be fair I don't see why anyone is posting as anon in this thread! Having the guts to say something is understandable, but this is the internet and no one has really posted anything that they may be embarassed by. Just opinions which they probably daren't voice incase it goes belly up because no one will know who actually said what!

OP it doesn't really sound like a good idea. You seem a bit childish really, letting your mum walk on in public so as not to "embarass" you.

And i dont know. self control is hard at the ripe old age of 17. Being in a bed is just asking for it really...

and I think that was an immature statement to make:rolleyes:

However, just introduce them? They only thing I do is make sure the guy knows to be polite to my parents! I don't ever warn them of what to do or not to do because they can't really do much, just a case of whether they end up liking him :smile:

And in all fairness, they'll probably like him more and respect you both more if you sit with them and have a conversation rather than running upstairs at the first opportunity for your "film"
Have you spoken to your parents about it?
Do they expect the door to be open or shut?
I assume they are not niave to know young people get up to these things so just make sure you are on the same wave length as your parents.
Reply 16
Hmmmm it seems a bit disrespectful for some reason to me.... probably because you're lying about what you're going to be doing and its in their house. Not that you would say 'then we're going to have sex' but... hmm I dont know. Get a lock I guess.
Reply 17
1.)Your parents probably aren't daft enough to walk in anyway... people always seem to underestimate how 'in the know' their parents really are.

2.) Don't have sex with him the first time he comes over whilst your parents are in.

3.)If you really want to get jiggy, just keep your clothes on!
That's what I think they will do, they know I want everything to be right and wont embarass me. Like when I see someone in town I know, she just carries on walking and pretends not to know me so as not to embarass me.
Shes pretty safe really, im sure itll be FINE.

Thats really horrible. I don't get on with my parents but I don't see how they are embarassing if they are just walking along with you.
Thats really horrible. I don't get on with my parents but I don't see how they are embarassing if they are just walking along with you.

Same!!! However we dont know the situation. Your parent could have thought back to when she was a child and this is how she wished her mum reacted etc.