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orally, would be a good idea,

if you cant just swallow them, put a sip of water in your mouth, insert tablet and swallow

rinse and repeat as necessary
Reply 2
hah see i do that and i find it just stays there :redface:
Reply 3
When i couldnt take tablets with water i use to take them with a biscuit :redface:

It worked though.
Reply 4
hah see i do that and i find it just stays there :redface:

this site may help

tips for swallowing pills

scroll down and it tells you some techniques etc. :smile:

personally I get a mug of water, pop a pill as far back on my tongue as possible, take a drink of the water and swallow while sort of flicking my tongue back (just a bit).

Goodluck :smile:
Reply 5
I can't swallow pills at all.
My doctor thinks it's silly.

I did manage to take steroids once when I had an asthma attack, but I had to hide them in a jam sandwich and just not chew it very much. And they were only tiny.
I usually take it between two fingers and push it as far back down my throat as possible. Usually it slips down with a drink of water.
Reply 7
yay thanks everyone
Reply 8
yay thanks everyone

did you manage it then?

Reply 9
Weird how everyone seems to push them to the back of the mouth. I just throw it in, get a nice amount of water(etc) and then swallow everything. :rolleyes:
a good tip is not to sip too much water or it just floats to the top of your mouth, gets soggy and won't go down!
Reply 11
I couldnt take tablets until 2 years ago. I puit the tablet on the tip of my touge and take a large glass of water and the water should carry it down. Its all a case of experimenting. I'f after a week or so you dont find a method that works maybe ask for a liquid alternative or tips from your nurse or doctor
Reply 12
Cool Cat_88
did you manage it then?


I've decided to experiment! A different technique each time to see which one is best, however i read the instructions and it says i cant crush it, has to be in whole..when i did that earlier uh oh.
I think the best way to swallow tablets is...

like a duck

take a lil sip of water, pop the tablet in and tilt youre head right back (like a duck, eating a fish, yeh you see where im coming from now? :biggrin: ) and swallow everything.

You could practice on M&Ms or something

EDIT: ducks dont eat fish do they? bit of a flawed analogy in hindsight lol
Reply 14
i can swallow little tablets just not the bigons. Thats the reallll problem i have. I can swallow nurofen easy, anything bigger and im screwed.
Reply 15
i think you just need to relax. you'd be surprised (or not) how worrying about swallowing a tablet can make it that little bit harder
Reply 16
I just try and forget the tablet is there and drink as normal :biggrin: Works for me!
Reply 17
i think you just need to relax. you'd be surprised (or not) how worrying about swallowing a tablet can make it that little bit harder

exactly ;yes; just don't think about it :smile:
Reply 18
Is rectally a word?
Something you could try is pushing the tablet into a dessert spoon full of yoghurt or gooey dessert, and swallow it, followed by a glass of water. :smile:

Antibiotics you say? You could possibly have the children's suspension instead. Either ask your doc, or if they won't, you can sometimes ask the pharmacist to give it to you in a different preparation. If you're very lukcy you might get the banana medicine :biggrin: