The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I got my typhoid and Hep A vaccinations started yesterday morning, and I didn't notice a lump at all, but I was told to go get it checked out if anything unusual started happening. I'd do that if I were you.
think i'll give it until the morning and see how it goes. it was done really early this morning and its only started to play up and it looks like one is swelling more than the other but i'm not sure which is which.
Reply 3
It's likely that all that's happening is your immune system is reacting to it quickly and aggressively - actually a good sign, most of the time. But if it persists, or gets worse, or changes colour - basically anything out of the ordinary - then get it checked.
Reply 4
I never had any form of reaction when I had them to go to India, so the only advice I can really give is that not everyone has that. If it doesn't go away (which it probably will), go to the docs.
Reply 5
yes, I had that. It went down after a day though. It's because the injection includes quite a strong concentration of the beasties and your immune system has to go fight them. I also had a bad reaction to the TB one too. It just depends on your body really.
Reply 6
I had that once with a tetnus injection but I left it be. If you're concerned, however, do go and see a doctor. Good luck!!
thanks everyone. still there though, but i'm still alive which must be a good sign.
Reply 8
or are you? :wink:

More seriously, you should get it checked out. My doc said that if anything bizarre happened, I should go see him. So, you should go see your doc.